Holding on to Biblical Faith in Challenging Times

Biblical Faith

“Faith” is one of those words that we often use without thinking about what we mean when we use it.  Some will say, “You’ve just got to have faith.”  Others talk about choosing “faith” over “fear.”  People are often describes as being a “person of faith.”  And there are those in the public spotlight who speak of how their “faith” gets them through life’s difficulties. But what about Biblical faith?

Understanding the true meaning and nature of faith is critically important.  Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that we cannot please God without faith.  Not our behavior nor our word.  Neither our religious practices, nor our principled stances. We can have all of those things and lack proper Biblical faith.

A Prophet’s Faith

One of the most overlooked Scripture passages that teaches us about faith is found in Habakkuk.  We find a powerful statement in the middle of an ongoing dialogue between the prophet and Yahweh.  Yahweh contrasts the an arrogant man living for his own pleasure with the heart of a truly righteous person.

“Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him,
but the righteous shall live by his faith.” – Habakkuk 2:4

So at its core, we see that faith is not living according to our own understandings, abilities, and desires.  Faithful living operates from a different realm.

We see a further clue at the end of Habakkuk as the prophet pledges to live by faith. Habakkuk makes a list of some possible devastating circumstances.  Trees and vines not producing fruit. Fields not producing grain.  Livestock not producing milk not meat.

But in light of all of that, Habakkuk issues a faith statement.

“Yet I will rejoice in the Yahweh; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. 
Yahweh, the Lord, is my strength. He makes my feet like the deer’s;
He makes me tread on high places.” – Habakkuk 3:18-19

For Habakkuk, living by faith was choosing to trust God and remain faithful to Him.  Even when circumstances might tempt otherwise.

A New Testament Description of Biblical Faith

Hebrews 11 has long been called the Bible’s “Hall of Faith.”  The chapter contains a list of faithful people and how their faith affected the choices they made.  But the chapter also provides a good description for us of what faith is.  You can read this description is Hebrews 11:1 and 6.  I’ll summarize for you.

1.  Faith chooses to have confidence that God will bring to pass all He has promised.

2.  Faith chooses to believe even when evidence for the belief is not visible.

3.  Faith chooses to believe the existence of an invisible God even though His existence cannot be empirically proven.

4.  Faith chooses to believe that God will eventually reveal Himself to those who faithfully seek after Him.  It may not be when and how we think, but He will.

A Working Understanding of Biblical Faith

Over the years, I have developed what I believe to be a simple definition of Biblical faith.

Faith is choosing to place an active confidence in all that God has said in His Word about Himself, His purposes, and His ways.

1.  Faith is a choice.  A faithful person does not require prior evidence. Instead, he or she holds confidence in God even in the face of conflicting evidence.  We CHOOSE what we will believe.

2.  Faith is an active choice.  Faith is not merely an affirmation.  It results in actions.  I can say all day that I believe something, but I demonstrate that belief by actions in light of it.  That is the whole key to understanding the Book of James.  Faith MOBILIZES us.

3.  Faith is a reasoned choice.  Our faith is only as dependable as the object in which we place it.  It is not a “blind leap.”  We find the basis for what we believe in what God has revealed in His Word, the Bible.  We choose to believe ALL the Bible says instead of popular opinion, current trends, or circumstantial evidence.  This is why reading and study your Bible every day is so important.  God’s Word nourishes your faith.

4.  Faith is a focused choice.  We have a lot of options in which we might place our confidence. But there is only ONE choice that will never let us down:  God.  What we know about God, His purposes, and His ways gives us a proper perspective by which we can live.  We grow in our confidence in what God is doing when we know what He has done. And we find reason to believe that He will do what He has promised to do.

Who/What Are You Going to Believe?

I hope this helps you understand that faith is not some whimsical concept or spiritual “rabbits foot.” Everyday life presents us with multiple opportunities to choose where we place our confidence.  

Stay in God’s Word.  Grow in your knowledge of who He is, what He has done, is doing, and promises to do.  Then CHOOSE ACCORDINGLY.

In what way do you need to appropriate Biblical faith today?

How has this challenged your concept of what faith is?

What is one specific challenging issue you are facing right now?
What about God will you believe and how will you act accordingly? 

Go to the SERMONS page or click here to view a recent sermon from Psalm 19 about trusting God.

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