My Blessings – To God Be the Glory

I spent some time today reflecting on the blessings that have accompanied my life.  I share my thoughts with you today in hopes you too will recognize the hand of God on you and give Him praise.


I did not choose the time and place of my birth, nor the family into which I was born. In His sovereign grace and to the praise of His glory, God placed me where He did.  I am thankful to live in the times in which we live. I am thankful for the family into which God placed me.  These blessings I received prepared me for where I am today and for the direction my life will take from this moment forward.  To God be the glory!

I did not choose the school where I would receive my education.  God placed on my parents’ heart a place where I would receive an education with a Biblical worldview.  He provided the place and the means to afford it.  Godly men and women invested in my life and their guidance prepared me for where I am today and the direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory!

I did not choose the church I would attend as a child and teenager.  God placed our family in a Bible-teaching church. They surrounded me with Godly men and women who invested in my spiritual life.  God surrounded me with Christian friends who remain a great source of encouragement.  They have helped prepare me for where I am today and the direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory!

While I might like to think I had a role in finding the wife of my youth whom I love dearly, I have to admit she is a God-send.  I consider it no circumstance that in a county of more than 100,000 people (during my younger years), we happened to attend the same church and after my family moved from the home we had lived in for most of my 20 years we happen to live in the same neighborhood.  Her unconditional love and patient support continues to prepare me for where I am today and the direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory!

While from a human standpoint I had at least a little something to do with producing my awesome daughter, I recognize that every childbirth is a miracle from heaven.  Bekah has brought immeasurable joy into my life and gives me great hope for the future.  The responsibility and privilege of being her father motivates me to be the best I can where I am today and in whatever direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory!

I would never have dreamed God would call me into pastoral ministry.  I thought I would be a teacher and coach, but obviously, God had other plans.  Every opportunity along the ministry path has provided an adventure and growth experience. I have met some wonderful people and seen God do some pretty incredible things.  I cannot take credit for any of it; God has done it all.  Each ministry stop prepared me for where I am today and the direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory! 

I cannot take any credit for the blessing I have to pastor the church I now pastor.  My life was going merrily along when God decided to rock my boat.  Through that painful experience God taught me His grace, power, and purpose. While this ministry is difficult and the future is uncertain, I have learned to trust Him and not lean on my own understanding. I love my church. Even though painful experiences brought me here, those circumstances helped prepare me for where I am today and the direction my life will take from this day forward.  To God be the glory!

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Learning from My Blessings

Three points I want to make sure you glean from this testimonial today (Romans 8:28):

  1. God has a plan for our lives. Most of the time,however, we are unaware where we are in the process.
  2. We can trust God with His plan.  He is good. Consequently, when He gets the glory our lives work out for our best and we receive His blessings.
  3. Enjoy the blessings of today, but know that God could make adjustments tomorrow.  If He does, it’s part of the plan and good will come from it.

To God be the glory!

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