Encouragement for Days that End in “Why”


I’ll go ahead and confess: there are times I ask God “why?”

I know some of you will stop reading right here because you think it wrong to question God. No one has shown me where in the Bible we find that particular prohibition. I have a hunch that it’s not there at all; it’s a man-made adage.

In the Bible, God encourages us to ask Him questions.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” – James 1:5

Not only does God encourage us to ask Him questions, but also promises to answer “without reproach.” That means that He will not scold us for questioning Him.

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A Sunset Drive and Reflections on the Pace of Life


At some point, we have to stop the madness. We have to change the pace.

That truth hit home to me the day after Thanksgiving as we drove home from our family visits.  At first the westward drive home was a challenge with the sun in my eyes.  But as sun met horizon, God allowed me to watch a beautiful sunset and enjoy the most peaceful dusk sky.

Slumbering passengers and sparse traffic provided me the opportunity to ponder the significance of the scene God placed before me.  I found myself longing for the quiet peace of a country evening.  I imagined myself living in a place where I could watch such a scene every night from a back porch.

[Tweet “Life can make us feel like we’re walking up the stairs and everyone else is riding the escalator. “]

The Pace of Everyday Life

We live at an unhealthy pace. As I enjoyed the peaceful drive, I couldn’t help but think of the contrast to everyday life. Stress and anxiety plague too many of us.  Many people I know feel an uneasy sense of inadequacy.  

Pass that car. Beat that traffic light. Get the last word. Don’t get even, get ahead. Make the deadline. Do better. Buy this. Win. Achieve. Hurry.  Faster. More. Yes, at some point we have to stop the madness.

Maybe you feel the squeeze too.  Life can make us feel like we’re walking up the stairs and everyone else is riding the escalator.  We long for the peace and serenity of a country sunset, but we live in the blistering pace of high noon.

Letting Go of the Pace

As I soaked in the scene before me, God reminded me of a familiar Bible verse.

Be still and know that I am God.  

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth. – Psalm 46:10

“Be still.”  Literally the verb means “relax the hands, let go, stop doing what you are doing.”  Stop the rat race.  Quit trying to be first, better, richer, faster. Chill out.  Change the pace.  

[Tweet “Quit trying to be first, better, richer, faster. Chill out.  Change the pace. “]

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How Often Do We Miss the Amazing?

Unless we are willing to divert our attention from the ordinary, we will miss God’s extraordinary.My mind often wanders, but sadly, it seldom wonders. It is amazing how seldom I am amazed.

I fear that slowly we are losing our capacity for amazement.  A couple of reasons contribute to our wondering wandering.  

First, we lead overly busy lives.  We do not slow down enough to notice what is going on around us.  Additionally, media – social and traditional – have over-exposed us to the sensational.  Let’s face it.  Nothing surprises us anymore.

The sad truth is that we miss so much of what God is doing around us.  God is constantly revealing His glory through His activity around us and we are mostly oblivious.  

[Tweet “We miss so much of what God is doing around us.”]

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God Does Not Waste Our Pain


Sunday marked the 3 year anniversary.  On the afternoon of October 22, 2014, I pondered what had just happened. By God’s grace I defaulted to Scripture.

I had counseled people to turn to God’s Word in their times of greatest need. And then in my time of need, God graciously sent me to His Word. The passage He set before me was 2 Corinthians 1:3-4:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

God reminded me that not only is He an all-knowing God, but He also is a purposeful God. He even finds a purpose for our pain. God comforted me that day with the knowledge that He would use my experience to prepare me to help others who may one day experience the same thing. My hurt was real, and it ran real deep; but God’s grace dives deeper than any depth to which our heart can plunge.

[Tweet “[God] even finds a purpose for our pain.”]

Lessons I Learned from My Pain

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Why Do You Follow Jesus?

followWhy do you follow Jesus?  

That sounds like such a simple question, and most would answer with the typical “because He is my Savior.” We have learned that answer and give it without a second thought.

But what if you really thought about it? What if someone challenged you to prove your answer?  You see, I think many people follow Jesus because of what they want Him to do for them.  Don’t let my hypothesis offend you.  After all, Jesus had those kinds of followers in HIs days on earth also.

[Tweet “Many people follow Jesus because of what they want Him to do for them.”]

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When Winning Is Really Losing

winningMatt Emmons had already won one Gold Medal in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece.  One final shot remained for him winning another Gold Medal victory when he made the oddest and most costly of mistakes.

One of the surest shots in Olympic rifle history, Matt held a commanding lead going into the final round. All he had to do was hit the target.  Somewhere.  Anywhere.  Just hit the target. He took his usual deep breath as he viewed the target through the sight on his rifle.  Slowly, he pulled the trigger and fired a bullseye on the target in Lane 3.  The problem?  Lane 2 was his target.  He fired a great shot, but at the wrong target.

Taking Aim

Unfortunately, I have made the same mistake in regular life, and I know many others have as well.  We celebrate our victories in battles that were either unnecessary or unimportant.  We can easily fool ourselves into think we are doing great when we look at these victories. However, these hollow temporal victories keep us from the more important eternal battles.

[Tweet “Hollow temporal victories keep us from the more important eternal battles.”]

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Stupid Question, Or Not?

“Well, THAT was a stupid question.”bethesda

Most people hesitate to ask a question for fear their question is stupid.  MOST of the time, nothing is further from the truth.  I love answering questions and helping people understand. Every now and then, however, someone usually comes up with a doozy.

Usually  someone who didn’t listen or pay attention that question.  Consequently, they ask a question already answered.

Jesus’ “Stupid” Question

It seemed as though Jesus had asked a very stupid question. Let me set the stage for you.

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Mr Potato Head, a Bible Verse, and Our Division Problem

Potato Head


Mr. Potato Head has been around a long time.

I remember playing with one way back in my childhood.  Mr. Potato Head could help illustrate a Bible verse that can help us overcome one of our gravest problems.

The Problem

We have a problem today with division.  Not the math kind, but the relationship kind.  Families, churches, and in a greater sense all of society has difficulty solving division problems.

Family members remain at odds with one another because they refuse to take the difficult path to conflict resolution.  Churches split and the cause of Christ suffers because members value their pride more than resolution.  Myriad examples exist of the deep divisions in our society. Never before have I felt pulled in so many directions by others expecting me to “side” with their cause.

Whether a family squabble, church dissention, or societal division, I see a trend that people have lost their objectivity.  Too many try to pull splinters out of the other side’s eye with a huge limb protruding from their own.

The Solution

The BEST Math books provided in the back of the book answers to the the exercises at each chapter’s end.   The answer to all of life’s division problems are not in the back of the book, but in the text. One particular Bible verse, with Mr. Potato Head’s expert illustrative assistance, can provides the answer we need.

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I Am Offended!

offendedI AM OFFENDED by so many people being offended!

We throw the word “offended” around so much these days that we have obfuscated its meaning.

Some take “offense” with flags and statues that refer to a dark part of our actual national history. Others take “offense” with people exercising their displeasure with social injustices by choosing not to stand during the national anthem. Still others take “offense” with others who fail to see their point of view and take their side in any issues.

[Tweet “We throw the word “offended” around so much these days that we have obfuscated its meaning”]

What Is an “Offense”?

In a biblical sense, “offenses” translates the word skandalon from which we get our English word “scandal.”  The word has two basic meanings.  On the one hand it refers to causing someone to stumble or sin.  On the other hand it refers to considering someone (usually Jesus) or something (usually the Gospel) worthless or undesirable. Neither scenario was considered a good thing.

Today, however, we claim offense when something runs contrary to the way we think it should.  We equate an offense with disagreement or dislike.

[Tweet ” We equate an offense with disagreement or dislike.”]

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Hope in the Midst of Racial Chaos


The alt-right movement represents the worse in the heart of sinful mankind.  They spew hatred and spawn violence, many under the guise of what they call christian.

I’ve been a Christian since I was 8 years old.  I have studied the Bible for years and think I have a grasp of what Jesus expects from His followers.  None of His expectations include hate, disdain, division, violence, or racism.

As an anglo-American Christian, I have a responsibility to speak out against those who may look like me but represent something else entirely.  My African-American brothers and sisters need to know where I stand.  I will not risk misunderstanding by remaining silent.

[Tweet “My African-American brothers and sisters need to know where I stand.”]

I do not stand with those hate groups who hold to white-supremacy.  Count me with my brothers and sisters who name the name of Christ regardless of their color, economics, politics, or language. The Bible recognizes only TWO RACES – the race of the first Adam and the race of the second Adam, Christ. Sin, not skin is the determining factor.

[Tweet “The Bible recognizes only TWO RACES…Sin, not skin is the determining factor.”]

Our country’s problems are not racial, economic, political, or educational. The primary problem is a SIN problem, and we have the answer – the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

Four Vital Truths that Give Us Hope

I want to share four universal truths to which you and I need to awaken so that God can use us to bring healing to this land.   Each of these truths comes with accompanying Scripture for you read and consider.   I ask you to affirm these 4 truths with me.

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