When God Spins the Wheel

We are a disposable culture. Pampers have replaced washable and reusable cloth diapers. Paper plates, cups, and cutlery have saved people time and effort at the sink washing dishes. Printer cartridges are one and done components, in fact, sometimes one can replace a printer more cost effectively than buying an ink cartridge.

On the other hand perhaps you practice the concepts of “reduce, recycle, reuse, or repurpose.” Learning to find new applications for used up products can save lots of money and can also keep our earth a little “greener.” Yard sales and thrift shops are economic pluses for both sellers and buyers. Twice a year, our church conducts our “Encore Shop” in which new or gently used items sell at a bargain price, finding new life for the items and providing valuable resources for the buyers.

As I thought about the blessings of the most recent Encore Shop, I remembered a walk God and Jeremiah took which we find recorded in Jeremiah 18:1-6. God allowed Jeremiah to observe a patient potter working with uncooperative lump of clay. Rather than throwing away the lump and starting fresh with new clay, the potter continued until he finally fashioned it into a vessel that was both beautiful and useful. The reminder was the He does the same with us.

When your life seems to be spinning out of control, consider that you may be spinning on the pottery wheel of the Master Artisan. When you feel squeezed, consider it rather to be the gentle pressure of His loving hands forming you into a more Christ-like image. When life seems to get a little hot, consider it the blast furnace that eventually solidifies and sets your heart for His purposes.

The Master Craftsman is at work in your life. You are His masterpiece. He has so much invested in you and your outcome is certain and glorious even if the process is difficult and unclear. While in the Potter’s Hand, listen for His voice in His Word, look for His work in your circumstances, and learn to trust in His providential plan working out His purpose for your life.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. – Philippians 1:6

The Day I Put My Isaac on the Altar

By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was in the act of offering up his only son… – Hebrews 11:17

I will always remember the day I put my personal Isaac on the altar.

When leaders from my previous church informed me that I was being asked to resign my position of Senior Pastor, I thought my time in ministry had come to a close. Who would want a cast off?

An opportunity finally emerged some four months later, but in the process of meeting with the search team, I hit a major roadblock. For the first time in my months out of the pastorate, real fear began to cripple me. The roadblock seemed insurmountable not just for the present opportunity but my fear was the roadblock would doom any future opportunities in ministry as well.

In half-depression, half-desperation, I finally surrendered ministry to the Lord. I told Him if He wanted my to continue to pastor, I would gladly do it, and if for some reason He was through with me in that roll and wanted me to support my family some other way while serving as a layman in a church, I would do that as well. I discovered that ministry was my “Isaac.”

Ministry was God’s promise to me. Ministry was all that I would foresee in the future, but I was finally a broken man and willing to give it all up as long as God would show me WHAT He wanted me to do next. God had to test me where my greater love was directed – to Him or to ministry. Was I ministering FOR God or had ministry BECOME my god? It was at that moment that God flooded my soul with His peace and He began to dismantle my roadblock bit by bit.

I can honestly say that placing my Isaac on the altar was not an attempt to appease or manipulate God. I sincerely believed that afternoon that I would never pastor again and that rather than a new chapter in my life, God was closing the book all together. He finally showed me that He wanted ME more than He wanted my MINISTRY.

I can say now that God has placed me in a GREAT PLACE. I love my church and I love ministry in this setting. As much as I love my church, I have grown deeper in my love for GOD, since now I see Him as the Provider and Purpose of the calling on my life. I had to give up MY ministry so it could once again be HIS ministry.

Is there something in your life you fear God may be asking you to surrender? I know how scary that can seem, but as someone who has been there, and done that, I can testify that He only wants you to be willing, TRULY WILLING, to give it up. If you do, will He give it back to you? Maybe. Maybe not. Whatever He does, it will be better than what you held in your hand before you let it go.

With God, the best is always yet to come.

Look for An Opportunity to Encourage

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. – Colossians 4:6

Just a quick reminder to us to use our powers of communication for good today. God will put someone in your path who needs a word of hope and encouragement. Be His instrument in someone’s life today. Find someone into whose life you can speak encouraging words of hope.


The Simple Fix to This Mess We Are In

The news of late is very depressing – violence in response to violence, crime, killing, moral decay, the devaluation of traditional understandings of marriage and family. Unfortunately even the Church is not immune to this malady as so many believers treat each other with behavior opposite of the “brotherly love” Jesus commanded us to exhibit.

Yes this world is a mess, but the fix is actually quite simple. While quite simple to understand, apparently it’s very difficult to implement. Our contemporary culture scorns the council of God’s Word, even to the point of one 2016 Presidential Candidate stating, “And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.” Yet God’s Word prescribes the most simple solution to our inability to get along with each other.

He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? – Micah 6:8

Three simple acts that if performed regularly and universally would radically change the state of social affairs in our culture.

  1. Do Justice. Simply do right by people. Stop defrauding people, treat them fairly, treat them according to the Golden Rule – the way we want them to treat us. Justice is not some intangible ideal, it is something we DO.
  1. Love Kindness. I am afraid we have lost the ability to be nice. Is it still possible to simply “cut somebody some slack”? Please, thank you, yes ma’am, no sir are words we need to once again here regularly.
  1. Walk Humbly With God. We can actually see two parts to this prescription. First we need to restore our walk with God. At best, too many people have restricted their concept of God to what they do at church. To WALK with God is to allow  Him to shape and influence every part of our lives every day.  The second part of the prescription is that we conduct our walk humbly. In other words, life isn’t about us; it’s Jesus first, then others, with ourselves considered last.

I cannot change the evil in society on a large scale, but I can choose how I WILL LIVE. Will you join me in getting back to the simplicity of Micah 6:8? Let’s treat ALL people fairly, look for ways to be nice, and let Jesus influence the way we carry out our lives every day. Maybe if we change, and we each influence some others to change, then they each encourage some others to change…

God Honors Excessive Begging

man in prison behind bars jailI don’t often read newspapers, but rather get most of my news online. One day, however, I picked up a copy of the local paper sitting on a table while eating my lunch at the office. About the only thing that really caught my interest was the section entitled “Police Report.” I was curious to see if anyone I knew was listed in that section.

I was shocked to see four of the eight people charged by the city police department cited for a misdemeanor of which I had never heard: aggressive begging. I looked it up in the Municipal Code and there it was. Section 46-62 states, “No person shall engage in aggressive begging in any public place in the city.” The section defines “aggressive begging as “begging with the intent to intimidate another person into giving money or goods.” The section goes on to define the words “begging,” “public place,” and “intimidate.” I honestly had never heard of this.

There is one case in the Bible, nonetheless, where Jesus encourages us to plead persistently with God for specific needs.

And He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. – Luke 18:1

Jesus expounded on the parable in Luke 18:2-8 when He told a story of a woman who constantly begged a local judge to give her a just decision against her adversary. The judge finally relented, not due to a desire for justice, but due to a desire for peace and quiet! Jesus contrasted a godless judge who cared not for doing right but acted only from selfishness with a loving Father God who takes great joy in giving good things to His children. He encouraged His followers to cry out to God “day and night” and expect God to act “speedily.” Jesus then equated this kind of persistent prayer with strong faith when He asked the question, “…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

The lesson for us is to continue to pray persistently for those needs that weigh heavily on our heart. We may feel that God is not listening or does not care, but our Lord encourages us to prove that we believe by not giving up in our prayer effort.

What needs have you carried for a long time? Has God seemed to stop listening? Do you think God is punishing you by ignoring you? Has the devil tempted you to give up and look for answers elsewhere? Let me encourage you to hang in there and keep praying.

Hang in there; your answer is on the way in due time. While it may be illegal in your city, God honors aggressive begging.

Living in a Christian-Hostile Environment

Suffice it to say that the Church is under attack these days. Abroad, Christians are barbarically beheaded for their belief; and here at home we have become the victim state-sponsored discrimination and cultural intolerance. In these days, how we respond to the treatment will either draw people to Jesus or repel them once and for all. How then, should we respond to our culture’s ill treatment of our faith?

Peter wrote a letter to Christians flushed from their homes and uprooted from their lives through the fires of persecution. He wrote to encourage beleaguered believers around the world to hold true to the faith and to respond in a Christ-like manner. His advice to those 1st Century believers is sound wisdom for us today.

Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 1 Peter 2:17

Honor everyone. To honor is to attribute worth or value to something or someone. We give honor when we recognize intrinsic worth. The reason we still experience racism and brutality is because we view others with little regard. We think because of their skin color, occupation, social standing, or appearance (or any number of other excuses) that they are worth less than we are. This Biblical command reminds us to treat EVERYONE with respect and dignity, even when we don’t agree with them.

Love the brotherhood. Why should we expect our culture to respect our fellow Jesus-followers when we don’t respect them? Isn’t it quite hypocritical for us to get upset at our culture for harassing and persecuting Christians when we are so critical of each other, gossip about each other, back-bite, lie, and cheat eat other? We need to love our brothers and sisters in Christ the way He loves us – sacrificially and unconditionally.  Jesus said that the world will know we are His disciples indeed by the way we love each other.

Fear God. We no longer recognize the holiness of God. We have turned the sacred into common. I’m not talking about superficial, legalistic displays of fleshly piety; I am talking about heart issues. The most sacred place of all is the believer’s heart, yet we allow our hearts to be divided – giving God only a share while making room for sinful attitudes, thoughts, actions, and pursuits.

Honor the emperor. Regardless of our personal political leanings, we should respect for the office our leaders hold. Whether we like it or not, the “powers that be are ordained of God.” (Romans 13:1) We can and should sound off on matters of morality and righteousness in the public and government forum. We can and should express discontent and disagreement with platforms, policies, procedures, and practices in government. We should NEVER, however, personally attack our leaders. I confess, I have all too often been guilty of such, but God has shown me the need to pray for our leaders and pray that God would send us leaders after His heart.

Respect for all, love for fellow believers, devotion to God, and honor to our leaders. This is a tall order, indeed, since we have grown accustomed to behaving on the contrary; but in these times of harassment and persecution, God has shown us how not merely to survive but to THRIVE.

A New Paradigm for the Overly Fragmented Life

We live an ever increasingly fragmented life. We have 86,000 seconds in a day, and it seems s though we cannot divide them adequately between all that is demanded of us and needed by us. Most of us are pulled in so many directions that we feel a little like William Wallace in his last scene in Braveheart. We certainly would like some freedom from the tyranny of the urgent that ungulfs us.

The best among us (a group of which I am not a member) have grown adept at what we call prioritizing. You know the drill, make a list of all the things required or demanded of us and put them in linear order, the most important at the top and the most dispensable at the bottom. The list changes according to the “Squeaky Wheel Principle.” Even the religiously conscientious will include God at the top of the list of priorities, asserting the He is the most important thing/person on our list.

Jesus, however, is not interested in occupying the top spot on our priority list. While we would never explicitly state it, we can put Him at the top of the list, give him token time, and then move on to the other items on the list leaving Him behind. Notice carefully the position Jesus desires in our lives:

And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
that in everything He might be preeminent. (Colossians 1:18)

Jesus does not want to be preeminent OVER the things in our life, but He wants to be the most important thing IN it.   Instead of being one item on a list of many, even the top item on the list, He instead wants to be the reason for us engaging all of those other items. Jesus wants to use the roles of my life for His purposes.

I challenge you today to look for ways throughout this day to use the situations of the day for His purpose in your life. Speak a word of encouragement to those you encounter. Spread the love of Jesus, be patient and kind to people, offer to pray for those around you, invite them to church or, better yet, as you go on tour way, tell someone what Jesus has done for you.

The challenge is to change the priority paradigm from a linear list over which Jesus sits at the top, to a multi-spoked wheel with Jesus at the hub giving support, meaning, and value to everything in our life.

T-Ball for Christian Life

T-ball – it’s not just for kids. Major leaguers play it too sometimes. Hitters hit off a tee to develop “muscle motor memory.” Repeating the same movement hundreds of times trains the muscles to respond naturally so that no second thought is required. Nanoseconds can mean the difference in a line drive or a pop-up. Hitters know how to swing, but correct swinging practice insures a smooth swing every time. That is why hitters practice their swing every day.

In the same manner, Christians know that they should pray, and most Christians know something about praying, in fact, Christians also recognize that times will come when they need to pray. But how much do we really pray? Do we feel awkward praying during difficulty because we have not practiced the discipline of praying on a regular basis?

Notice what Jesus said about prayer in His famous Sermon on the Mount:

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. – Matthew 6:6-7

Allow me to suggest three tips that will help you practice this most basic drill of daily prayer.

First, have a specific time and place to pray. Jesus didn’t say if you pray, but when you pray, go into your room. If you expect to pray “when you find the time,” I assure you that you never will. We need to schedule daily prayers by setting an appointed time and designating an appointed place. Pray when and where you are most alert and able to give God undivided attention.

Second, get alone with God. Jesus encourages us to go into our room (closet) and shut the door. Take care to remove every possible distraction before you pray. Turn off your cell phone, get away from your computer, find a solitary place and minimize distractions. I don’t know about you, but my mind wanders enough on its own without getting any outside assistance.

Finally, keep your prayers specific and to the point. Jesus reminded His disciples that it was not the quantity of words that makes prayer effective, but the quality of the heart behind the prayer. We need not use flowery language or worry about fulfilling a time requirement. Let our conversation with God be as real as our conversation with a dear friend. Just as a short, compact swing can produce homeruns with minimum strikeouts, so also, a short and focused prayer packs a spiritual wallop.

Prayer is the most basic spiritual discipline, but it must be practiced. Don’t wait until you are in the hole 0-2 before taking a swing in prayer. Practice prayer on a daily basis and you will be amazed at how easily prayers come when life throws you a curve.

“Batting Practice” for the Christian Life

Baseball players take batting practice pretty much every day that weather permits. If you have ever watched a major league batting practice, you know that it moves quickly and it is quite organized. Players do not randomly show up for batting practice and hit whenever they get a chance. The coach sets a batting practice schedule, each player is expected to be there, and each player knows what he will do during his allotted time. There is a definite plan.

For the Christian, Bible reading can be a daily spiritual discipline that refreshes us and prepares us to face the day ahead. Bible reading serves at least two purposes in our lives. First, it fills our minds and saturates our lives with Godly thoughts. Our minds can only hold so much information, so why not fill it full with good stuff and leave no room for the bad. In addition, Bible reading helps us to grow in our faith. Paul reminds us in Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Yet so many of us do not have a reading plan. Sure, we may find a moment or two a day or two a week to squeeze in some reading, or we may be curious about a particular issue or need and take the time to see how the Bible addresses it. However, for the most part, we do not practice the discipline of regularly setting aside time each day to read God’s Word.

We may approach Bible reading two ways and both are important. One way is to read a small portion of the Bible, a verse or paragraph, and then ponder its meaning and application to our lives. For sake of terminology, I refer to this as meditation, and I will cover that in the next blog. For this blog, let’s look at another way to read the Bible: reading for content. With this type of reading, we read large blocks of the Bible to get an overall view of what God has told us in His Word.

One might consider reading through the Bible over the course of a year. In doing do, the reader devotes about 30 minutes a day to read both an Old and New Testament passage of Scripture. You will find a good online plan for reading the Bible through in a year here, and a good printable plan here.

Another good option I have used involves reading a Proverb everyday for a month. The Book of Proverbs contains 31 chapters, so reading one a day will get you through a month. Reading through Proverbs twelve times a year will solidify God’s wisdom in your heart and mind.

John MacArthur takes a similar approach. He chooses a single book of the Bible and reads it in its entirety each day, every day, for an entire month. After reading a book of the Bible 30 consecutive times, you have a very good grasp on its content. Often he reads a different translation each day for variety and fresh insight.

Whatever method you choose, let me encourage you to discipline yourselves to set aside time everyday to swing away in the cages of God’s Word. Set your spiritual timing and refresh your soul as you feed on His Word.

When Church Is A Little Like Baseball


As this year’s baseball season dawns, allow me to share with you a modern day baseball/church parable that has circulated for years.  I am unaware of the source, but may it challenge us to be in church on Sunday ready to field our position.

Behold a ball team went forth to play a game of ball.

Just as the umpire was saying “Batter Up,” the catcher for the home team arrived and took his place. The center fielder and the second baseman didn’t arrive until the middle of the second inning. The first baseman didn’t come at all, but later sent his regrets and said that he had to go to a family reunion. The third baseman likewise failed to show up, having been up late the night before watching television, and preferred to spend the rest of the day in bed. The left fielder was away attending another ball game across town. The shortstop was present, but left his glove at home.

Verily when the pitcher stepped onto the mound, he looked around to see his teammates, and lo, his heart was heavy when he saw many empty places in the lineup. The game had been announced, and visitors were already in the stands to see the game. There was nothing left for him to do but go ahead and pitch and hope for the best.

So the pitcher tightened his belt, stepped to the mound and did his level best to put it over the plate. But for some strange reason he just couldn’t find the groove. Some of his teammates began to ride him for wild pitching and booed him all through the game.

At the close of the game, his home team was mercilessly beaten. The game produced a considerable amount of discussion and when the rest of the team heard about the disgraceful defeat, everyone decided that the reasons should be found. They finally came to a unanimous decision: it must have been the pitcher’s poor pitching that lost the game.

Behold, a sunny Sunday morning, a preacher stood up to preach . . . but that’s another story.

May God help us all to be team players who contribute faithfully to the work He wants to do in our churches.