Missing Jesus

They had made the journey to Jerusalem for Passover and now they were on their way home. Nothing like a 3-hour walk home after a miserable experience. When the stranger joined them on their journey, he inquired as to the reason for their long faces and melancholy, so they recounted their story to him.

They participated in the wave of excitement surrounding Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. They cast their hope toward Him that He was the promised Messiah who would deliver Israel from Roman rule. They watched in horror as the tide of events turned and they saw Jesus crucified.

To add insult to injury, some of the women who went to finish the embalming process reported that Jesus body was missing. Obviously delusional, they reported sightings of angels who claimed Jesus was alive. The women even went in and saw the empty tomb. Apparently, the events of the week had taken an emotional toll on the women.

They had followed Jesus’ “career.” He was a prophet, mighty in word and deed. They had even begun to believe that maybe He was indeed the Promised One. However, the events of the last three days served to dash their dreams and destroy their hopes. So now, it was back home, back to the routine, back to hoping, watching, and waiting.

The stranger began to explain from Old Testament Scripture how the events they had just witness actually fulfilled prophecy. His teaching intrigued them. They invited him to stay with them for dinner before continuing on his way. At dinner, he took bread, gave thanks for it, then broke it and shared it with them. They saw something in the way he did this, something familiar. Then all of a sudden the light bulb came on and they realized He was indeed JESUS.

How could they have missed it? How could they have been so blind? By their admission, while He was walking with them on the road and talking about Scripture, their hearts felt that familiar fire.

We miss it, too. Every day Jesus walks with us through the events of our lives. Do we see Him? Hear Him? Acknowledge Him and talk to Him? Do our hearts burn within us as we experience His presence?

Lord Jesus, help me to have a heart sensitive to You. Let my eyes see, my ears hear, and let my heart know You are near. Let me abide in You as You abide in me.

Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus
To reach out and touch Him, and say that we love Him
Open our ears, Lord, and help us to listen
Open our eyes, Lord, we want to see Jesus.

The above story is paraphrased from Luke 24:13-35

Is It Sin or Is It a Mistake?

There is a difference between making a mistake and committing a sin.

Let me give you an illustration from family life. Children like to try to do things for themselves. A child trying to be helpful and pour her own milk may not always pay close attention to what she is doing and sometimes may spill the milk. That is an accident. She didn’t mean to, she didn’t plan to, she didn’t spend a long time resisting the urge to spill it, she didn’t in her mind say, “I know I am not supposed to spill this, but I just love to watch it puddle on the floor.”

When such an accident occurs, a parent patiently gets her a wet cloth and helps her clean up her mess so she can learn from the experience. Then together they try again and pour another glass of milk.

Another time a child may venture out into the yard without telling anyone. NOT AN ACCIDENT. Mom told him several times not to do that, warned of the dangers, and apprised him of the consequences. Yet he did it anyway. For that he is punished. He was again given the reasons why he should not go outside – warned of the dangers, and apprised of further consequences should he do it again. Mom doesn’t punish him because it’s fun to do so, but because she loves him and knows that he is not yet able to fend for himself outside alone. Parents punish to reinforce the dangers of willfully disobeying parents who have a child’s best interest at heart.

The difference . . . when milk spills, there is more where that came from, but if a child is harmed outside, there is only one of that particular precious child. With sin, the stakes are much higher.

If you have made some unwise choices, cut yourself some slack. Sure you may be reaping the unpleasant consequences of making mistakes, but God is not punishing you. He may be allowing you to remain in those consequences for a season to remind you of the need to be more careful and seek His wisdom next time, but it is not punishment for sin. Thank God that He is willing to clean up the mess with you and pour you another glass of milk so you can try again.

If you are under His chastisement because you have sinned – willfully disobeyed Him – then know also that the motive of His chastisement is love and the purpose of His chastisement is correction. He hasn’t abandoned you, but in love He is in the process of maturing you and preparing you to achieve His ultimate purpose for you – the image of Christ formed in you.

We grow spiritually when we deal with sin seriously and learn through mistakes. The two are different, but both can be stepping-stones to growth.

Hope for the Hurting

“Kick ‘em while they’re down” seems to be the philosophy of many these days. Some people revel in the hurts of others, and the only reason I can figure is that is takes their minds off of their own ills. Let a man make a mistake and the rumors start flying. Let a woman have a bad run of circumstances and suddenly she is the “talk” of the town. I’ve seen too many hurting people damaged irreparably by others who like to pile misery on top of misery in the lives of other people.

Yet, consider this descriptive prophecy concerning Jesus:

…a bruised reed He will not break,
and a faintly burning wick He will not quench;
He will faithfully bring forth justice. – Isaiah 42:3

Let me suggest two thoughts to consider today. First, if your tender heart (bruised reed) is broken or you feel like you are burned out (smoldering wick), know that Jesus is not about to finish you off. No, rather, He is in the process of eventually bringing justice to your situation. He loves you and is not finished with you. That justice will come on HIS terms and HIS timing and probably will not match your definition of justice, but it will be right and good in HIS eyes.

Second, who do you know that is a bruised reed or smoldering wick? Take the time to intentionally encourage them. Keep them at the forefront of your prayers and speak hope into their lives as often as you can. Don’t be part of the evil crowd who, with pack mentality, find great pleasure in ripping the vulnerable to shreds.

Every person is redeemable and redeem-worthy. Where we have been and what we have done matters so much less than where we are and where we are headed. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Join me today in committing ourselves to being a healing salve to hurting hearts.

Never In My Wildest Dreams

“Never in my wildest dreams.” Have you ever used that expression? I have…lots of times…several times over the last 48 hours. Then again, that’s how God works – beyond our wildest dreams.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21

Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined moving back to my hometown to pastor a church. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined having the opportunity to lead a church with such a rich history and promising future. In fact, there were times times over the last several months I wondered if I would ever have the opportunity to pastor again…anywhere.

Thankfully, however, God is not bound by our measly imaginations; He works in ways we cannot see or believe to accomplish things so awesome that ONLY HE can receive glory for them. My family and I have experienced His glory in just such a way this past weekend. I was called as Senior Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in my hometown of Macon, Georgia. NEVER IN MY WILDEST DREAMS, but easily within the sovereignty of an all-wise God. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

What impossibilities or difficulties challenge your faith? As one who has experienced the miraculous hand of God, let me encourage you to hang in there and keep your eyes in the Lord. He is at work around you, and in His perfect timing, God will act in just such a way in your life.

As I shared with my new church family today: THE BEST IS YET TO COME. That is just as true for you individually as it is for us as a church.

Don’t Settle for Less

Have you ever heard the admonition: “Don’t settle for less!” Unfortunately, in our day and age, many people do not heed such good advice. Some folks are too willing to find self-satisfaction merely being better than others even if most are better than they are. They generally hold others to a much higher standard than they hold themselves.

This reality even finds its way into the spiritual fabric of many people. Casual Christians have somehow grown accustomed to offering to God nothing more than a “good effort.” Twenty-first century Christians are not the first of God’s people to fall into this lethargy, however. Numbers 32 tells the story of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh requesting to settle on the east side of the Jordan River rather than the west side, or The Promised Land. Simply put, when it came to God’s plan, they were not “all in.”

Think about that for a moment. The reason the Hebrews fled Egypt was to take residence in the land God had promised them for an inheritance, yet they desired to establish their homes short of that goal. The reasons are various. In some cases, it was self-centeredness. Rather than gamble on the fact that the Promised Land was as fruitful and fertile as reported, these tribes who were rich in livestock wanted to play it safe and remain in a place where they knew what they would get. They valued their herds more than their faith in the promise of God.

Another reason some did not want to leave the east side of the Jordan was fear. These were afraid that their wives and children would perish in a land filled with unknown enemies and elements. They heard the stories the majority bloc of spies had told of giants and other perils in the land. They were not willing to believe that the promise of God would not only be beneficial, but also safe.

Another reason some decided to remain behind was nostalgia. Reading the Old Testament account of dividing the land may seem boring, but one interesting highlight is that many of those clan leaders from the tribes who remained on the east side were men who had led in great conquests over the Edomites and Moabites encountered along the wilderness journey. Undoubtedly, these men still basked in the glow of victory. They continued to live on the emotional high of what they had experienced in their past rather than expecting to experience the power and glory of God in even greater measure.

What about you? What keeps you from being “all in” with your commitment to Christ? Are you more concerned with your own well-being? Do you value your “stuff” more than a radical disciple relationship with Jesus? Do you think for one moment that your plan is better for you than His? Do you doubt that the provision of God would also accompany the plan of God? Are you relishing the emotional highs of past experiences rather than seeking a fresh touch from God today?

Why not turn loose of the ball and chain of mediocrity and follow Christ daily with a radical abandon that motivates you to be ready and willing to do what He says do and go where He says go. The payoff is incomparable. You can have so much more than what you are clutching if you will offer yourself daily as a living sacrifice.

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life?” – Matthew 16:24-26

Making Tracks

footprintsI once watched a show called America’s Heartland, which featured a unique farm in Utah. A doctor moved his family to Utah to teach his kids the need to get away, slow down, and simplify life. One particular day as the doctor/farmer was leveling a hill with his backhoe, he uncovered something that would that would change his farm forever. He discovered the remains of a dinosaur footprint.

Paleontologists from all over visited the farm and excavations began, which uncovered a number of fossilized footprints, bones, skin impressions, and other items of Paleolithic interest. Rather than turn his unsuccessful farm into a subdivision – as many had done in his area – the farmer spurned the millions of dollars he could have made and donated the land to the city.

The subsequent investigations have shown quite an ecological hub of activity in the prehistory of that farm. Archaeologists have discovered fossils for fish, fowl, flora, and fauna. A fresh water lake once existed at the farm, which was a center of activity for prehistoric wildlife. Their activity is there for us to see and learn from even today. Those creatures were simply carrying on their normal activity, living their lives “in the moment” as we like to say, yet today we can look at what remains from their existence and learn about their world.

Hebrews 11 lists the names of ordinary men and women who made an extraordinary difference in their world. They did not set out to be in the Bible, they simply lived everyday life seeking to follow God and experience Him in the mundane routines of their existence. But what of my life? Am I walking with God in such a way that I will leave a lasting effect on those whose lives I encountered? We find the key to leaving a footprint in the opening verses of the chapter that follows the stories of those men and women of faith:

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. – Hebrews 12:1-3

I wonder what kind of footprint I am leaving. Years down the road, will anyone be able to look back at my life and see that God was at work in me? Am I leaving any evidence that God is real and that He makes a difference in my life? Is my normal, everyday existence so impacted by my relationship with God that people will be able to look back at my life and trace His hand? Will they see the greatness of God in the fossils of my existence? Let’s leave a Godly footprint, friends. Future generations are watching.

What To Do When You Are in a Spiritual Slump

Athletes call it a slump. Out of nowhere for no apparent reason, one seemingly loses the ability to do the most basic things that used to come so naturally. A basketball player finds free throws impossible to make. A golfer goes through a spell where even a tap-in putt can be an disaster. A hitter in baseball temporarily loses the ability to put the bat on the ball for solid contact, and when he does, he hits it sharply, but directly to a defender.

No one knows what causes slumps, and even worse, no one knows how to cure them. They appear unannounced and magically disappear just as mysteriously. The protocol for most slumping athletes is to maintain the basics, keep doing the little things – slog – until all of a sudden, a switch flips and once again, the athlete returns to true form.

I think that is sound advice for a spiritual slump as well. When it seems God is silent and we are lacking the spiritual vitality and power we experience at other times, the most beneficial thing we can do is be faithful to the basics – Bible reading and prayer. When you find it difficult to read your Bible, try reading through Psalms. When you find your prayers dry and mechanical use the hymnal as a prayer book, praying through the truths found in the great hymns of the faith.  Eventually, God will reveal His presence again, and you will experience the rich fellowship of the Holy Spirit if you will but remain faithful to exercise the spiritual disciplines all the while patiently waiting on God to bring you through the dry spiritual slump you experience for a season of time. Hang in there, but hang in there actively. God will hear, and He will bring an end to your slump.

I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord. – Psalm 40:1-3

Are You “Small Stepping” into Sin?

My friend, Bobby Simpson, recently passed on to me this most helpful quote: “Small steps consistently taken in the same direction will carry you a long way.” While that point is true, it must come with one caveat: we need to be mindful of the direction in which we are taking even the small steps.

Some pretty famous Biblical characters had some obvious sinful moments. Moses had anger issues and even murdered someone once. David got lazy, didn’t turn from lust, and eventually committed adultery. As physically powerful as was Samson, his pride and moral weakness led him to defeat. Scripture records many others who experienced moments of sin and disobedience, but I do not remember not even ONE person in the Bible waking up one day and saying, “Today I am going to go out and sin and disobey God.” As a matter of fact, their sins, just like mine and yours are the product of a slow, unnoticeable, gradual drift of our hearts away from God.

Small steps taken in the WRONG direction will carry us a long way to sin. None of us while walking closely to the Lord decide to abruptly change course and plunge headlong into sin. Yet, I have witnessed (and to some thankfully small degree experienced) the effects of a life that continues a dangerous and tragic drift away from God. James 1:14 reminds us that each of us is tempted when we are “lured” and “enticed” by our own evil desires. Drift. Small steps. Wrong direction. Spiritual catastrophe.

With that in mind, today, I want to encourage all of us to mind the little things in our lives. Take a daily inventory of where you are in relation to God. Consider a daily examination of the following areas and accompanying verses.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step…even the journey into sin. Watch where you are stepping.

What If Jesus Had an Awards Show?

red carpetLast night, millions of TVs across the country tuned into the Academy Awards (Oscars). It was a reminder that ours is a hero-worshipping culture. Stars and starlets come and go with great frequency, gracing the covers of magazines and filling TV screens one day, then giving way to the newest round the next. You know our culture loves to create and worship heroes when the likes of people such as Paris Hilton and the Kardashians gain notoriety for nothing more than just being famous.

Christians sadly get caught up in the madness as we create our own set of saintly celebs; high profile stars, athletes, and publicly famous men and women who openly profess their faith in Jesus. All too often, we follow our culture’s definition of greatness as opposed to Jesus’ definition of greatness we find in the New Testament. We celebrate men and women of renown and acumen. We laud those who have attained some measure of visibility and notoriety. To contrast, let’s consider Jesus’ definition of greatness:

But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. – Mark 10:43-45

Jesus identified three marks of true greatness and none of them had anything to do with fame or popularity. First, in verse 43 Jesus indicated that the truly great ones serve. The great ones look for ways to invest in others not themselves. They are willing to do for others what most people would never consider.

Second, in verse 44 Jesus reminds us that the great ones are selfless. In God’s eyes greatness does not come to those who high and lifted up, but to those who humble themselves like a lowly slave. Do you see the contrast? The important person is not the truly great one, but the slave who serves the important person.

Then in verse 45, Jesus demonstrates that the great ones make the ultimate sacrifice. No one would argue that Jesus is absolutely THE GREATEST, yet Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and give up His life as a ransom. The truly great ones are not the ones who get all the credit and attention, but rather the ones who are willing to give themselves up for the good of others.

Let’s rethink what it means to be great, strive to be award winners in His eyes, and celebrate the men, women, and young people we know who model His definition of greatness.

Let’s Start a Revolution

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior.   Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”  Ephesians 4:31-32

Jesus said that the world would know we are His disciples by the love we displayed toward each other.  That being the case, it is no wonder we are seeing fewer people converted to Christianity these days.  We are having a hard time living up to that standard.

I have seen an alarming increase in the amount of strife between believers.  We live in a day and age when we need each other.  The enemy is shooting at us enough; we don’t need to be taking shots at each other.

We seem to have lost the ability to disagree without being disagreeable.  I have taken my share of shots lately from those I have been called to love and serve.  I have also observed as others have been belittled, berated, and blasted by those who are “in the family.”  What kind of inferiority complex exists inside a person that they need to somehow make themselves feel better by taking cheap shots at another? Why can we not simply disagree on issues without making personal attacks and being sharp tongued?  Why must we emotionally and spiritually bully and injure brothers and sisters in Christ who see and do things differently than we see and do them?

I am beginning to lose my confidence in the Church to nurture, support, encourage, and edify.  So with my little corner of the internet, I want to see if I can start a mini-movement in the church.  Here is what I am asking you to do:

First, if you have been hurt by the words and actions of others, join me in forgiving.  I am announcing today publicly that all of the hurtful words and actions I have experienced in the last several months are behind me.  I am tired of carrying them so I am putting them down at the foot of the cross.  EVERYONE in my life starts over with a clean slate as of today!  Will you join me in doing the same for others who have hurt you?

Second, will you covenant with me to do our best to speak positive words to everyone we encounter – to build up rather than tear down?  If we see something that is wrong, let’s seek positive and constructive ways to set it right.  In fact, here is what I am going to do, and I challenge you – dare you, even – to join me:  I am going to dish out at least 5 encouragements EVERY DAY.  Some days I may have to look far and wide to find them, but what better way to spend a day than seeking out good going on around me.  Do you think you can do that?

And then, one third thing.  As part of the covenant, let’s cut out of our day all of the nastiness Paul mentioned above – bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior.  And let’s replace it with tender hearts that are quick to forgive.  Let’s be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

If you will join me in this covenant of encouragement, let me know.  Take a moment and leave a comment.  Email the link to this blog to people you know, and ask them to join the covenant with us.  Let’s start a REVOLUTION OF ENCOURAGEMENT.