Flashback Friday – April 8

Articles and Blogs


7 Unbiblical Statements Christians Believe – Shane Pruitt, www.relevantmagazine.com

11 Questions to Determine Where the Enemy’s Winning in Your Life – Chuck Lawless

Don’t Quit Before the Whistle Blows – Michael Hyatt

Worth Repeating

“While you learn from life looking back, you can only be effective by living life looking forward.” – Steve Parr Twitter Feed  @steverparr

“God’s ultimate purpose for you is not limited by today’s present reality. ” @louiegiglio

“Prayer will become effective when we stop using it as a substitute for obedience.”


Another Look

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There’s No Room for You in My Circle

prayercircle3English revivalist Gypsy Smith used to challenge those who desired to see revival to draw a three-foot circle, kneel in the middle of that circle, and ask God to revive everyone in the circle.  In other words, revival must begin in me. I am taking his challenge; I want to see revival.

When I speak of revival, I am not speaking of a series of meetings to attend to hear uplifting music and inspiring preaching, though often revival occurs during such a time.  I am not speaking of an emotional experience brought on by a special event, though emotion often accompanies true revival.  When I speak of revival, I am not speaking of a grand declaration of my own intention to change my ways, though true revival always results in altered behavior.

As I pray for revival, I am asking God to perform deep surgery on my soul.  I want Him to make sure every ambition of my life is centered firmly in Christ.  I want Him to make sure every thought is brought into obedience to Christ.  I want Him to make sure every fiber of my being is surrendered to His Lordship.  I pray that God will do a work in my life that goes far beyond scheduled meetings and emotional displays; I am praying that He will CHANGE me, that He will make me more like Jesus.

I want to love who and how He loves.  I want to see what He sees, painful as it may be.  I want to go where He sends, and do what He says.  I desire a life totally immersed in Jesus.  I want my sinful attitudes, actions, and affections crucified in my fleshly existence.  I want His priorities to become my priorities, and for my will to be lost in His.  I want to set my affections on Him and seek His Kingdom first and foremost.

I want Him to remove any negativity and pessimism from my spirit.  I am asking Him to give me strength to stand firm and favor with those in front of whom I must stand.  I pray that He will make me wise as a serpent but as innocent as a dove.

This is where I am.  I am sorry, but there is no room for you in my circle; but there is plenty of room for other circles.  Will you pick up a piece of chalk and draw one for yourself?

Matthew 6:33

Romans 8:29

2 Corinthians 10:5

Colossians 1:18

Colossians 3:1-4

Do You Have a Moldy Mouth?

We once lived in a house with a mold problem.  Of course, we didn’t know it at first, but then evidence started cropping up in obvious places.  By the time we noticed the mold, we had already begun inhaling the microscopic spores and experiencing their effects in our bodies.  Had we not removed ourselves from the moldy conditions, we could have suffered great sickness and damage from something we never could see in the air.  We could have suffocated in our own home.

I also have experienced a similar danger spiritually – suffocated by my environment – and chances are you have also.  Negativity does to our spirit what mold does to our respiratory system.  Surrounded my negative people and hearing an infestation of negative talk, we take on a negative tone in our own speech and perpetuate its unseen yet spiritually crippling effects.

As we start this week, let me encourage you to be mindful of the effect what you say and how you say it has on others around you.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. – Ephesians 4:29

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. – Colossians 4:6

“Corrupting talk” mentioned in Ephesians 4:29 does not refer to the content of our speech – i.e. foul language – but to the effect our words have on others.  CHOOSEwords that build up, and say them in a MANNER that is gracious and palatable.

For this week, concentrate on eliminating



and gossip.

Instead speak words that are 



and beneficial.

BE INTENTIONAL.  Don’t contribute to the negativity pollution that pervades our culture.  Instead by a breath of fresh air to those around you.

Sunday Sermon – What a Real Life Looks Like

We kickoff our series through the book of Colossians.  The theme is Life: More than a Game.  The book of Colossians reveals to us the mystery of the real life that God desires to give us.  This message opens up the book by looking at four characteristics of a real Christ-centered life:



Eating Your Elephant

elephantThere is an old adage that says, “The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.” Of course, no one wants to eat an elephant literally, but the adage reminds us that even the most daunting of tasks can be whittled away in smaller increments.

You may be facing some daunting challenges in your life. Maybe you are in over your head financially. Maybe your marriage is less than ideal, or your relationship with your kids is strained. Maybe you have a work project that seems impossible to accomplish. Maybe your spiritual journey has somehow stalled or gotten off-track and you feel more distant from Jesus than ever.

Let me suggest some small bites you might take out of the elephants in your life.

  1. Honestly assess where you are in the most important areas of your life. You can employ an matrix you wish to assess yourself, but be honest. You can’t get to where you want to be until you honestly come to grips with where you are.
  1. Ask God where He wants to move you in this area. We can set goals and standards for ourselves, but unless we are moving toward Him, we will always find ourselves unfulfilled and overwhelmed. Spend several days in prayer over the important areas, asking God to give you His vision for your life.
  1. Pick out ONE SMALL STEP that will lead you closer to where God wants you. Be specific. Maybe it is a prayer and Bible reading plan, or a date night with your spouse. Maybe it is breaking down a project at work into manageable sections. Whatever the case, start with just ONE STEP and take it.
  1. Once you complete that step, take another. Then another. And another. Each step of the way, take a moment to reassess. Make sure that step moved you closer to the goal, and then prepare for the next step.

Even after writing this, I look back and it seems overly simplistic. But if it so simple, then why aren’t we doing it? Why do we choke trying to swallow a whole elephant? Begin your small steps TODAY.





When A Church Got a Pastor at a Yard Sale

I’m not much of a yard sale person, although I readily admit one can find some tremendous deals at a yard sale. I remember the last yard sale we had; the temp was below freezing and the chill factor below zero. We advertised to begin at 7:00am and at 5:30am when I raised the garage door to move the stuff out, people were already standing in line. By the end of the day we offered everything on tables for “one low, low price.” I never realized someone could find a useful purpose for the stuff that had become “clutter” in my house. The old saying is true, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

Last week marked my one-year anniversary as pastor at Bellevue Baptist Church in Macon. What does that have to do with a yard sale? Read on.

I left my last church in what would be considered a “forced termination.” I wrote about how that felt back in a couple of October blogs. Suffice it to say, I felt I had been thrown out with the trash and that ministry would no longer be an option for me. Thankfully, by the grace of God, I was wrong.

I am thankful for the support, unconditional love, and encouragement that came from my family, both immediate and extended. I also realized how blessed I was with a great number of friends. Looking back, I am most overwhelmed by the providence and plan of an intentional God. Things panned out the way they did because HE had HIS PLAN.

The brave people of Bellevue took a chance on me when other churches passed me over due to my circumstances. I guess those other churches weren’t willing to bring home a “yard sale pastor.” I am thankful that God brought my family and me into the Bellevue family. We have a wonderful church family whom we love dearly. I am so glad they were willing to find treasure in another church’s trash.

I share this with you because I hope it will be an encouragement to you. No matter how difficult a blow life has delivered you, nothing can snatch you from God’s hand and His plan for your life. In fact, He may have allowed that painful circumstance in your life for the sole purpose of moving you on to something better He has in store for you. So don’t lose heart. God is not finished with you. In God’s eyes you are NEVER trash and you are always His TREASURE.

I recommend the following Bible verse for your reading and meditation. You need to know just how God feels about you and what He promises for your life.

Zephaniah 3:17

Romans 8:28, 31-39

Philippians 1:6

Sunday Sermon – The Hope of Easter

What if the Resurrection had not actually happened?  What if Jesus was a hoax?  What if the story was actually fiction?  We considered that Easter Sunday.  Take a look for yourself.


The Hope of Easter
1 Corinthians 15:12-20


If the resurrection had not happened:

  • God is not who we say He is (v 14-15)
  • Life is pointless. (v 17a)
  • We are helplessly sinful. (vs 17b)
  • There is no hope for the afterlife (vs 18-19)



  • Jesus IS alive
  • Life has purpose
  • Forgiveness is available
  • Heaven is obtainable