Have We Added People to the Disposable List?


We live in a disposable culture.  In many cases, it is now less expensive to replace an item than to repair it.  The technological age has created a plethora of replaceable goods.  Unfortunately, I think we are beginning to see the same attitude toward people.  Imagine that…disposable people. 

I read with great sadness as sports fans trashed a player after his second bad game in a row.  His performance in the first of those bad games was instrumental in a team loss.  A teammate came in and “bailed him out” in the second game with a masterful performance of his own. The fans seemed to forget that the object of their criticism had been one of the most reliable during the season.  Had he not performed so well during the year, his team would not have been in the playoffs. How quickly fans forget, and how quickly they disqualify a once beloved team member!

The trend of disposable people has moved from the retail world, into the sports world, and sadly into real life.  We can be quick to write people off when they go through a bad stretch.  Churches may refuse to consider pastor “forcibly terminated” from a previous church.  Some automatically assume a homeless person is lazy and refuses to work or has a problem with alcohol or drugs.  A teenager may ostracize a classmate with poor social skills or some perceived physical imperfection. Co-workers may give up on an employee who makes a series of mistakes.  It’s tempting at least figuratively to dispose of people around us not measuring up to our standards.

A Potential Disposable Candidate in the Bible

The Bible is full of people written off by others around them but used by God for His glory.  Adam and Eve couldn’t obey the only rule God gave them.  Abraham and Sarah had no children into their old age.  Moses was an impetuous murderer.  Rahab was a prostitute. David committed adultery then cowardly murder to try and cover his sin.  In the New Testament, Jesus encountered a woman at a well in Samaria who had relationship issues. Paul originally persecuted the Church he eventually would lead.  Thomas doubted. All of these at times appeared to be disposable people.  But God used them.

The one I want to focus on for a moment though is Peter.  Consider these events in Peter’s life.

When Jesus told His disciples He would soon be crucified, Peter vowed to defend Him to his own death. Matthew 16:21-23

Jesus predicted Peter would deny him.  Peter promised he wouldn’t, but Jesus doubled down on His prediction and said it would happen by morning.   Luke 22:31-24

Peter and two other disciples go with Jesus to pray, but they fall asleep while Jesus prays.  Matthew 26:36-46

Predictably, Peter denies Jesus three times before sunrise. Matthew 26:69-75

While Jesus is on the cross, Peter is out in the wilderness broken and in tears.  Luke 22:61-62

After His resurrection, Jesus makes sure Peter gets word that He is alive and that everything will be OK.  Mark 16:1-7

Jesus recommissioned Peter and gave him the responsibility of taking care of Jesus’ people.  John 21:15-19

Doing Away with Disposable

When we look at Peter’s story arc, we see a man who went from high to low to high.  Most of us would have written Peter off when he denied Jesus, if not sooner.  But Jesus doesn’t operate that way.  He does not DISPOSE.  He REDEEMS, RECYCLES, and RESTORES. 

So, the lesson in all of this has less to do with baseball players who fail.  The lesson is to view seemingly disposable people the way Jesus did – with grace. Jesus uses disposable people LIKE US to encourage and strengthen others who are going through a bad stretch.  Don’t be so quick to criticize and write-off others.  Ask Jesus how He wants to use YOU to recycle them.

One Last Application

Just a final word to those of us who sometimes feel like WE are the disposable people.  The devil likes for us to think we have disqualified ourselves.  He tempts us to believe we’ve messed up beyond repair.  The good news is that in grace, God never gives up on any of His children.  You are NOT disposable in His eyes.  He sent Jesus to REDEEM you.  For those who are His, He gives the HOLY SPIRIT to RECYCLE and RESTORE us.  Accept His grace.  Surrender to His work.  Believe Him.  God is gracious and extends that grace to you.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6