Do You Remember Yesterday’s Sermon?

The event was one of the most spiritually significant in David’s life. In fact, the event changed the course of history in a way that affects us today.

David sinned in calling for a census of Israel. God dealt harshly with him by sending a plague on the people. David repented by purchasing the threshing operation of a local farmer on Mt. Moriah. At that place, David offered both a burnt offering for his sin and a peace offering to make amends with God. God honored the sacrifice and ended the plague.

The account in 1 Chronicles 21 reveals that the ark of the covenant and center of worship at the time was located in Gibeon, a couple of miles to the northwest. The encounter with God at Mt. Moriah made such an impact on David that he could not think of worshiping anywhere else. “…but David could not go before it [the altar at Gibeon] to inquire of God, for he was afraid of the sword of the angel of the Lord.” (1 Chronicles 21:30), and he declared that the threshing floor at Mt. Moriah would become the permanent location of Israel’s worship of their God.

Eventually, the Temple was built at that location in Jerusalem and still stands there today. Of course, it has to share space with Islam, but one day that spot will once again be the center of attention directed at God.

What about us?

  • How often do we either fail to recognize the spiritual significance of our life events or soon forget the spiritual lessons we claimed to have “learned”?
  • How many times do we “promise” God we will do something only to forget or fail to follow through?
  • Are we guilty of forgetting Sunday’s commitments no sooner than we leave the Sunday dinner table?

Take time to reflect on what God has done in your life. Remember the things He has spoken to you. Return to the promise you’ve made Him. Do this OFTEN.

Furthermore, be on the look out and pay attention to what is going on around you. God may be preparing a holy event for you this week that may change the course of your life for the better. Don’t miss it.