The Forgotten Jesus – A Book Review

Forgotten Jesus

The Forgotten Jesus, the latest book by Robby Gallaty, releases to the public on Tuesday, April 4. Dr. Gallaty is Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He is the founder of Replicate Ministries dedicated to “educate, equip, and empower believers to make disciples who make disciples.” His previous titles include Rediscovering Discipleship, Growing Up, Firmly Planted, and Bearing Fruit.

With The Forgotten Jesus, Gallaty takes readers on a “journey to recover the Jewishness of Jesus.” Through this journey, he helps “bring familiar passages to life by viewing them through a Middle Eastern lens.” (page 13) Dr. Gallaty accomplishes this goal and more through The Forgotten Jesus.

The Forgotten Jesus is a scholarly work clothed in language even the everyday Bible reader can understand. Gallaty writes in such a way as to explain deep truths in practical, easily understood terms.

What Is In The Forgotten Jesus?

The first four chapters of the book explore the cultural world into which Jesus was born. Dr. Gallaty explains the differences in Eastern and Western cultures that often keep us from fully understanding the Biblical text.

He illuminates the foreshadowing of Jesus on Old Testament figures such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. Gallaty explores the 400-year period between the Old and New Testaments and how it set the stage for Messiah’s coming. He shed’s light on the cultural context of Jesus’ birth, childhood, and ministry.

Chapters 5 and 6 show how keshers, New Testament references to Old Testament passages, shed amazing light on Jesus’ teachings. Dr. Gallaty masterfully connects the first century wedding customs to both the last supper and Jesus discourse in John 14:1-6. Seeing that passage in light of the custom of the time opens up a whole array of understanding and appreciation for those passages.

Dr. Gallaty gives greater understanding to the miracle of the woman healed of an issue of blook by touching the “hem of Jesus’ robe.”   He helps the reader understand more fully the interchange between Nicodemus and Jesus in John 3. Understanding the Jews concept of “born again” enables the reader to see the fuller meaning in Jesus and Nicodemus’ conversation.

In chapter 7, Dr. Gallaty shows how Jesus fulfilled the three miracles every Jew expected only the Messiah to perform. Through healing a leper, casting out a dumb demon, and healing one born blind, Jesus validated His claim to Messiahship.  Moreover, The Forgotten Jesus reveals intricacies in each of those three miracles that often we either overlook or fail to understand.

Chapter 8 helps the reader overcome some common misunderstandings about the Last Supper. The chapter also sheds light on the cursing of the fig tree and Jesus’ table-turning display in the Temple. Chapter 9 delves deeply into the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus. Dr. Gallaty considers the question of whether or not a rooster literally crowed or if Jesus referred to a common custom of the day. Seeing the events of this important week in their historical-cultural context help the reader more fully understand Jesus’ sacrifice for sin.

The book closes with a practical encouragement to read the Bible from an Eastern understanding. Dr. Gallaty includes a 260 Bible reading plan that he calls Foundations: A Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers. The plan calls for reading 5 days a week 52 weeks a year that will lead a believer through the most important Bible passages.

Who Should Read The Forgotten Jesus?

The Forgotten Jesus is a must-have book for all serious Bible readers. Going forward, I am sure I will refer to the book often as I prepare sermons and lessons. Dr. Gallaty’s insights will help me better understand the Bible in its Eastern World orientation.

I cannot think of a book I would more highly recommend to you than The Forgotten Jesus by Dr. Robby Gallaty.


You can order the book online at Amazon by clicking here.

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