Hope for the Hurting

“Kick ‘em while they’re down” seems to be the philosophy of many these days. Some people revel in the hurts of others, and the only reason I can figure is that is takes their minds off of their own ills. Let a man make a mistake and the rumors start flying. Let a woman have a bad run of circumstances and suddenly she is the “talk” of the town. I’ve seen too many hurting people damaged irreparably by others who like to pile misery on top of misery in the lives of other people.

Yet, consider this descriptive prophecy concerning Jesus:

…a bruised reed He will not break,
and a faintly burning wick He will not quench;
He will faithfully bring forth justice. – Isaiah 42:3

Let me suggest two thoughts to consider today. First, if your tender heart (bruised reed) is broken or you feel like you are burned out (smoldering wick), know that Jesus is not about to finish you off. No, rather, He is in the process of eventually bringing justice to your situation. He loves you and is not finished with you. That justice will come on HIS terms and HIS timing and probably will not match your definition of justice, but it will be right and good in HIS eyes.

Second, who do you know that is a bruised reed or smoldering wick? Take the time to intentionally encourage them. Keep them at the forefront of your prayers and speak hope into their lives as often as you can. Don’t be part of the evil crowd who, with pack mentality, find great pleasure in ripping the vulnerable to shreds.

Every person is redeemable and redeem-worthy. Where we have been and what we have done matters so much less than where we are and where we are headed. Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Join me today in committing ourselves to being a healing salve to hurting hearts.

One thought on “Hope for the Hurting

  1. I have had several days of people who have been hard to get along with. I am peace loving, but after speaking on 1 Corinthians 1:9 I realized that people were inspired to tell me things they didn’t like about me. What does being ,honest have to do with fellowship? I prayed about this today, and became peaceful. The Christian life is not easy. God isn’t easy either. Fellowship with Him is what I seek, because with other Christians, it seems improbable.

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