Living in a Christian-Hostile Environment

Suffice it to say that the Church is under attack these days. Abroad, Christians are barbarically beheaded for their belief; and here at home we have become the victim state-sponsored discrimination and cultural intolerance. In these days, how we respond to the treatment will either draw people to Jesus or repel them once and for all. How then, should we respond to our culture’s ill treatment of our faith?

Peter wrote a letter to Christians flushed from their homes and uprooted from their lives through the fires of persecution. He wrote to encourage beleaguered believers around the world to hold true to the faith and to respond in a Christ-like manner. His advice to those 1st Century believers is sound wisdom for us today.

Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 1 Peter 2:17

Honor everyone. To honor is to attribute worth or value to something or someone. We give honor when we recognize intrinsic worth. The reason we still experience racism and brutality is because we view others with little regard. We think because of their skin color, occupation, social standing, or appearance (or any number of other excuses) that they are worth less than we are. This Biblical command reminds us to treat EVERYONE with respect and dignity, even when we don’t agree with them.

Love the brotherhood. Why should we expect our culture to respect our fellow Jesus-followers when we don’t respect them? Isn’t it quite hypocritical for us to get upset at our culture for harassing and persecuting Christians when we are so critical of each other, gossip about each other, back-bite, lie, and cheat eat other? We need to love our brothers and sisters in Christ the way He loves us – sacrificially and unconditionally.  Jesus said that the world will know we are His disciples indeed by the way we love each other.

Fear God. We no longer recognize the holiness of God. We have turned the sacred into common. I’m not talking about superficial, legalistic displays of fleshly piety; I am talking about heart issues. The most sacred place of all is the believer’s heart, yet we allow our hearts to be divided – giving God only a share while making room for sinful attitudes, thoughts, actions, and pursuits.

Honor the emperor. Regardless of our personal political leanings, we should respect for the office our leaders hold. Whether we like it or not, the “powers that be are ordained of God.” (Romans 13:1) We can and should sound off on matters of morality and righteousness in the public and government forum. We can and should express discontent and disagreement with platforms, policies, procedures, and practices in government. We should NEVER, however, personally attack our leaders. I confess, I have all too often been guilty of such, but God has shown me the need to pray for our leaders and pray that God would send us leaders after His heart.

Respect for all, love for fellow believers, devotion to God, and honor to our leaders. This is a tall order, indeed, since we have grown accustomed to behaving on the contrary; but in these times of harassment and persecution, God has shown us how not merely to survive but to THRIVE.