Let’s Start a Revolution

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior.   Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”  Ephesians 4:31-32

Jesus said that the world would know we are His disciples by the love we displayed toward each other.  That being the case, it is no wonder we are seeing fewer people converted to Christianity these days.  We are having a hard time living up to that standard.

I have seen an alarming increase in the amount of strife between believers.  We live in a day and age when we need each other.  The enemy is shooting at us enough; we don’t need to be taking shots at each other.

We seem to have lost the ability to disagree without being disagreeable.  I have taken my share of shots lately from those I have been called to love and serve.  I have also observed as others have been belittled, berated, and blasted by those who are “in the family.”  What kind of inferiority complex exists inside a person that they need to somehow make themselves feel better by taking cheap shots at another? Why can we not simply disagree on issues without making personal attacks and being sharp tongued?  Why must we emotionally and spiritually bully and injure brothers and sisters in Christ who see and do things differently than we see and do them?

I am beginning to lose my confidence in the Church to nurture, support, encourage, and edify.  So with my little corner of the internet, I want to see if I can start a mini-movement in the church.  Here is what I am asking you to do:

First, if you have been hurt by the words and actions of others, join me in forgiving.  I am announcing today publicly that all of the hurtful words and actions I have experienced in the last several months are behind me.  I am tired of carrying them so I am putting them down at the foot of the cross.  EVERYONE in my life starts over with a clean slate as of today!  Will you join me in doing the same for others who have hurt you?

Second, will you covenant with me to do our best to speak positive words to everyone we encounter – to build up rather than tear down?  If we see something that is wrong, let’s seek positive and constructive ways to set it right.  In fact, here is what I am going to do, and I challenge you – dare you, even – to join me:  I am going to dish out at least 5 encouragements EVERY DAY.  Some days I may have to look far and wide to find them, but what better way to spend a day than seeking out good going on around me.  Do you think you can do that?

And then, one third thing.  As part of the covenant, let’s cut out of our day all of the nastiness Paul mentioned above – bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of malicious behavior.  And let’s replace it with tender hearts that are quick to forgive.  Let’s be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

If you will join me in this covenant of encouragement, let me know.  Take a moment and leave a comment.  Email the link to this blog to people you know, and ask them to join the covenant with us.  Let’s start a REVOLUTION OF ENCOURAGEMENT.

5 thoughts on “Let’s Start a Revolution

  1. This is tough because we still have our old sinful human nature to deal with. I join you, of course, but encourage us to recognize sinful nature vs. godly nature in our attitudes towards others. We pray for you, and appreciate your blog!

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