One of the Greatest Hindrances to Spiritual Transformation

I will not…offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing. – 1 Chronicles 21:24

Entitlement is a pervasive attitude and it is the enemy of spiritual transformation. We Christians can be some of the most entitlement-minded people in the world. We want

victory without a battle

heaven without dying

privilege without responsibility

fruit without planting, watering, weeding, and waiting

forgiveness without repentance

restoration without restitution

to be served rather than to serve

our needs and wants addressed rather than meeting the needs of others

the list could go on, but you get the picture.

The angel of the Lord, through David’s trusted spiritual ally Gad, instructed David to go to Ornan’s threshing floor and offer a burnt offering as a sacrifice for his sin of presumption in ordering the census of his troops. Ornan gladly and willingly offered to David the threshing floor, the animals, and grain for sacrifice at no cost. David recognized the folly in that and refused the magnanimous offer.

God had called him to make a SACRIFICE. A sacrifice costs the “sacrificer” something. Had David taken Ornan up on the free offer, David would have been performing a ritual but not offering a sacrifice. God is less interested in our ritual and most interested in our obedience. (1 Samuel 15:22)

Are you guilty of choosing ritual over sacrifice, taking the easy way out while hoping for greater results? What is God challenging you to sacrifice so that you can see His blessing in a greater way?

  • Could you sacrifice some sleep and arise an hour earlier in the morning to spend time in prayer in prayer and God’s Word?
  • Could you forgo eating out a couple of times a week so you have more money to contribute to God’s work in your church?
  • Could you give up your seat in a worship service and volunteer to minister to children or take on some other ministry in church life?

Maybe the call is even larger on your life. Maybe He is calling you to sacrifice your agenda and plan for your future and devote your life to serving him in some other occupation than had planned.

God will replace whatever He calls you to sacrifice with something far greater than what you sacrificed. Give it to Him today.