Propped Up

The following story made the email circuit several times a while back and I see its truth now more than ever: I heard of an old deacon who always prayed: “Lord, prop us up on our leanin’ side”. After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so … Read More

Flash Back Friday…Picks of the Week

These were a blessing to me this week and I hope they will be to you as well. Quote of the week  from           Blog of the week: Seven Things a Daughter Needs from Her Father Runner up:  Seven Practical Prayer Tips   Picture of the week:

What Is Your Plan for a Better 2015?

A plan is a wonderful thing.  We plan events and trips.  Ball teams execute a game plan.  Builders meticulously follow a building plan.  If you want to lose weight, you follow a dietary plan and most likely an exercise plan.  We do not expect important things to happen by accident, so we develop and carry … Read More

When It Seems Nothing Is Happening

Amid the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, there is at least one way time has ground to a halt for me this year. We are in the unfamiliar circumstance of seeking God’s next ministry assignment, but in most cases during this time of year churches are busy with Christmas celebrations and their pastor … Read More

Do You Leave Jesus in the Manger?

“Hey, were you born in a barn?” I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that growing up. Leaving doors open was a major taboo in my upbringing. But reckon Mary ever said that to Jesus? The stable and manger are prominent features in the most important event in human history. God … Read More

Why God’s Tech Support Is the Best

You know the story. You call Tech Support and spend an hour going through a series of “self-help” steps directed by an assumed expert on the other end of the line. All the while, you hear the click of the keyboard as your expert “googles” the answer to your question. After the series of self-help … Read More

God’s Anatomy

The Bible teaches us that God is a Spirit, not a human being like us.  Yet the Bible also speaks of God in bodily terms we understand – we call these anthropomorphisms. The Bible speaks of God having eyes, heart, hands, feet, a face, etc.  Having said all that, I firmly believe most of seek the wrong … Read More

Please Pray for This Family and Pass It On

I want to ask you to pray for a very special family. They are all heroes in their own way. Madi is a 16-month-old hero. She was born with Downs Syndrome, a heart defect, and pulmonary hypertension. Growing is a challenge for her. She struggles to take in enough nutrition to sustain herself, but she … Read More

Dollar Store Christianity

Because I like to save money where I can, I often find myself shopping at dollar stores. These stores provide “off brands” that are less expensive that the “name brands.” Unfortunately, some believers in Jesus display a dollar store spiritual life. They settle for something less than a real and vibrant walk with Him. They … Read More

Lessons Learned in the Most Difficult of Times

Heartache and disappointments do not have to be a total loss; in fact, some of life’s greatest blessings come from some of its most difficult circumstances. Over the last week, I have experienced the humbling blessing of great and Godly friends who have come alongside my family and me to offer us prayer, strength, and … Read More