Focus Better with These 5 Prayer Hacks

In another blog, I mentioned that prayer is hard work, and indeed it is.  For many of us, stilling our minds to quietly focus on any one thing is difficult enough, and when you add the reality of spiritual warfare – with the devil doing all he can to keep us from praying – the task … Read More

7 Elements of Prayer that Connects with God

We recently completed an election cycle in our area, and our phone rang often with recorded messages from candidates and endorsers of candidates soliciting our vote.  While the recording featured the voice of the candidate, and even though the candidate did at one time speak the message to which I listened, it would be misnomer … Read More

3 Tips for an Effective Personal Prayer Time

One of the most important things we can do to strengthen our walk with Jesus is to engage in an intentional regular time of personal prayer, but it is often one of the most difficult challenges in our Christian experience.  We WANT a consistent personal prayer time, we know we NEED a consistent personal prayer, but HAVING … Read More

Call to Prayer

 Would you consider joining me in this initiative? For more information, click on the picture above.

Are You Saying What You Mean to Say?

We Christians utilize a few popular sayings that I think say something other than we intend to say.  I think I understand the intention behind most of these, I also see a lack of preciseness in our language.  All too often, we sacrifice clarity on the altar of clever.  I like to call this micro-communication. … Read More

A Commitment to Finishing Strong

Finishing Strong

In my last blog, I wrote about the thoughts I have been having after my 59th birthday.  (You can go back and read it by clicking here.)  As I mentioned in that blog, my dad died at 73.  If I life the same life span as he, I have about 14 years left. I hope I live a lot … Read More

Numbering My Days – The Intersection of Life & Mathematics


This weekend, I celebrated my 59th birthday.  The beginning of my last year in the 50s. In case you’re wondering (and even if you aren’t), that is 34,456,000,000 miles around the Sun.  Yes over 34 billion – with a B.  That’s a lot of mileage. No wonder I am so tired all the time!  But like my dad always said, … Read More

Response – Now What Do I Do?

Previously, we have looked at how to observe a Bible text to understand “what” it meant and means.  We also looked at how to find the “so what” application for the days and time in which we live.  Today, we wrap up the process by considering the “now what” – our response to what we observed and … Read More

Application: The “So What” of Bible Study

In my last article, we looked at the need to begin our Bible study with an observation of the passage. Observation answers the question what those who first experienced, heard, or read what we just read understood it to mean. Careful observation helps us to understand the passage in its various contexts, and context is king in Bible … Read More

Observation: What Do We Need to Know?


I hope that you are finding these posts on personal Bible study helpful. Today, we are going to look more practically at the first step of personal Bible study.  I call this observation.  In this step we look at WHAT a passage is actually saying to the people addressed in their context.  Remember, context is king.  Many people mistakenly apply what they think … Read More