A Bigger Problem than “Aman and Awoman”

Bigger problem

On January 3, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO) opened the US House of Representative’s first session of 2021 with prayer.  In addition to being a member of the House, Rep. Cleaver is also a United Methodist Minister. The last line of his prayer created a firestorm of controversy.  His prayer, however, revealed a bigger problem for Christians … Read More

My Greatest Corona Virus Fear


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the … Read More

Bible Study

Bible Study

On this page you will find tools and resources that I hope are helpful as you learn to engage personal Bible study. Resources for Personal Bible Study Blog Series: How to Do Personal Bible Study 1 Peter Bible Study Video Series Bible Study 101 -Video Training on Personal Bible Study Part 1 Part 2 Part … Read More

BE the Church


Don’t just GO to church…BE the church. You’ve heard me say that a lot over the last couple of years.  That statement comes from a deep-seeded conviction in my heart about the local church.  As I read the book of Acts and the letters of Paul, Peter, and John, I am amazed at their success. … Read More

Pitch Your Tent and Go Camping With God


I’m not much for camping out.  I prefer my lumpy mattress to the hard ground.  I feel much more at east in my climate controlled bedroom than a nylon tent.  My idea of “roughing it” is a hotel with no wireless internet connection. That being said, tents played an important role in Old Testament times.  One of my favorite … Read More

Look Up and Hook Up with Your First-Love


Do you remember your first-love?  Maybe it was a kindergarten classmate or a middle school crush.  Perhaps yours was a high school sweetheart. For some, it doesn’t come until adulthood.  What about you?   The word “first” can have two meanings: there is first in chronology, and there is first in priority. I don’t remember … Read More

Lessons from My Dad


My dad died 10 years ago today.  I miss his physical presence, his words of advice, and the comfort of a father’s love.  Last night, our family went to see the latest Avengers blockbuster movie, End Game.  Don’t worry, no spoilers for those who want to see it and haven’t had the chance yet.  But … Read More

Your Vision is Your Life’s GPS

I love the GPS on my cellphone. The GPS app that I use on my phone guides me along the path to my destination.  The app also warns me of road hazards, traffic jams, and other potential pitfalls in my path. But for my GPS to work, I must enter a destination.  My GPS will … Read More

An Independence Day Message for Christians


Today, across the country, we celebrate the day our Founding Fathers officially declared independence from England.  For 242 years, we have enjoyed the unprecedented liberty to live our lives according to our dreams and principles. But today, we find our country at a moral crossroads.  As Jesus followers we have enjoyed the freedom of religious … Read More

Garden Lessons for Spiritual Growth

My dad was a master gardener. We always had good fresh vegetables during the summer.  We had a clear division of labor in our house, too.  My dad grew the food, my mom cooked it, and I ate it. Soon enough I became old enough to join in the work preparing, planting, and tending the … Read More