Preparing for Peace in Life’s Big Splashes


As we roll into 2020 – or stumble head over heels out of control, whichever the case may be – I want to offer a challenge.  Do you find yourself regretting the way you react to others and circumstances?  Do you lack peace with others and with your circumstances? Consider these wise words from none other than the Apostle Paul:

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. – Romans 12:18

Don’t overlook that clause in the middle of the verse, “so far as it depends on YOU”.     Do you see who is responsible for your peace?  YOU ARE, not your circumstances, not others around you.  Your parents and your upbringing are not to blame.  You cannot use what others do to you or unexpected circumstances happening to you as an excuse for your attitude.

The Blow-Up

I see so many people who blow up when their expectations are not met.  Someone doesn’t do what they want them to do and they explode.  Usually the explosion inflicts collateral damage on others not even involved in the circumstance. Or when a negative outcome unexpectedly occurs, some people fall apart into panic, depression, or excessive worry. 

But the key to peace with others and our circumstances lies in the attitudes we take BEFORE these negatives occur. 

Here is an experiment for you.  Find a local pond or lake, pick up two big rocks, and walk to the bank.  Throw the first big rock in the shallow part right before you. I promise it will make a big splash.  In fact, in the shallow part even a small rock makes a big splash.

Try your best to heave the second large rock out into the deeper part of the water.  You may hear a loud “kerplunk” and see a bit of a splash, but for the most part the effect is minimal.

Here is the corollary:  the deeper the water the less the mess – the deeper the heart the less the explosion.

Deepening Our Heart

The key to a deeper heart can be found in the truth Paul expressed in Romans 8:28:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

And we KNOW.  The key is in the things we know not the feelings we feel. When the “big rock” makes a “splash” in the peaceful waters of your life, how deep will the water be? 

If we simply react to how we feel about that circumstance, we will explode.

However, if we pre-act to deepen our heart with what we know before the circumstance, we will maintain peace.

Digging Deep for Peace

Let me suggest some “deep water” knowledge for you to embrace and remind yourself of often.

God is in control – see Romans 8:28 above.

His work in your life is always “in progress,” never stalledPhilippians 1:6

If we remain faithful, the good WILL comeGalatians 6:9

So begin to implement these and other Biblical statements of faith into your thinking as the New Year dawns.  People will frustrate you.  Circumstances will disappoint you.  But you don’t have to react to your feelings. Instead, practice PRE-ACTION and prepare your deep heart for the inevitable splashes of life.

Read also: Did You Do That on Purpose?