Please Pray for This Family and Pass It On

I want to ask you to pray for a very special family. They are all heroes in their own way.

Madi is a 16-month-old hero. She was born with Downs Syndrome, a heart defect, and pulmonary hypertension. Growing is a challenge for her. She struggles to take in enough nutrition to sustain herself, but she is a fighter. She already has exhibited a lion-hearted determination. She needs our prayers today because she is in the hospital bravely fighting e coli.

But she is not the only hero in her family. Her big sister Grace is a hero also. Grace has adapted so well to being big sister to a sibling who has required a lot of mom and dad’s attention. Grace is a fine Christian young lady who prays for and supports her sister, mom, and dad through this difficult time even though circumstances have created a unique situation for her. She doesn’t complain, but encourages everyone who encounters her each day with a beautiful smile and even more beautiful heart. She needs our prayers that she will continue to experience and share the joy of the Lord.

There is another hero in this family and it is Ashley. Ashley has bravely taken care of her family in the face of adversity while demonstrating a strong faith in the Lord to see them through this trial. Most mothers deserve hero status…Ashley stands out with honors. What a strong encourager she has been as she has allowed us to grow in our faith through her own journey. Pray for Ashley that God will remind her often that He will never put more on her than HE can handle.

Please pray for this family as often as God brings them to mind. They are precious people. Feel free to link this blog or share it with others so that we can create a tsunami of prayer. To God be the glory.