Pronouns seem to be all the PC rage these days. But for Thanksgiving, I think prepositions are important. They are short words, but they focus our thoughts with precision. So let me encourage you this year to use 3 prepositions as you celebrate in this time of giving thanks.
Three Ways to Give Thanks
Give Thanks FOR
Recognizing that our blessings are gifts from God helps us avoid an entitlement mentality. The old song reminds us to “count your blessings, name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”
We all have so many things for which we should give thanks. God’s blesses his children with all manner of good things. (James 1:17) Spend some time this week thanking God for the specific blessings he has given to you.
Give Thanks IN
The Bible also encourages us to give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) God uses even what seems bad circumstances for his purposes. Our lives are not a series of disconnected random coincidences. God controls the trajectory of our lives and uses everything for his purpose of remaking us like Jesus. (Romans 8:28-29) Spend some time this week declaring your trust in God for your daily circumstances.
Click here to read a blog I wrote previously about being thankful in our circumstances.
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Give Thanks TO
Merely giving thanks for blessings focuses our attention on the gifts rather than the giver. We tread closely to the sin of idolatry by focusing mere on things. But when the gifts point us to the Giver, we can properly give glory to Whom it is due. Psalm 100 encourages us to give thanks TO the Lord.
God is not good because he gives good things. He gives good things because he is good. Make sure everyday this week you say thank you to God for being who he is. Even if he never blesses us with another blessing, he remains worthy of our praise.
Click here to read a blog I previously wrote about giving thanks to God.
I hope you all have a GREAT Christmas season this year. But before you get that started, let’s spend the next few days giving thanks for, in, and to.
[Tweet “God is not good because he gives good things. He gives good things because he is good.”]
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