Pro-Life and Priority: What Will You Choose?


Recently, Georgia and other states have passed pro-life legislation aimed at saving the lives of unborn children.  I don’t think the backlash and criticism has surprised anyone of us who supported such legislation.  Chief among the critics has been the establishment known as “Hollywood.”

No shortage of actors and actresses have expressed their opinions and threatened to no longer bless Georgia with their work.  To be honest, a great deal of filmmaking and TV production takes place in our state.  Of late I have become a fan of the Marvel Comic Universe’s Avengers film series.  Marvel shot a lot of scenes from recent Avengers movies here in Georgia.

A Question of Priority – Pro-Life or Money

Essentially what has happened is that two incompatible viewpoints have drawn their respective “lines in the sand.”  The Pro-Life community has place high-value on the life of the unborn and taken a bold step to protect them.  The Pro-Abortion community has placed high-value on escaping the consequences of an unwanted conception.  Hollywood, in large part, falls in line with the Pro-Abortion community.

These two lines in the sand cannot exist on the same beach.

The Pro-Life community believes their production boycott in Georgia will harm our state’s economy. Undoubtedly some high profile economic opportunities will leave or pass over Georgia.  Our Pro-Life legislation has a very real possibility to adversely affect our state economy.

So the question of priority falls between life and dollars.  Would we rather save unborn children or feed our greed?  For me personally, the choice is clear.  We cannot place a monetary value on a human life. Life is far more precious.

Our family tries to practice what we preach by financially supporting those ministries who fight for life.  Additionally, we support institutions that seek a better quality of life for the already born.  

Moving Forward

So what do I do with Hollywood and their boycott threat?  I respect their decision.  I feel very strongly about mine, and I assume they do about theirs as well.  If they feel they must take their slice of the entertainment industry elsewhere, I respect that decision. Let them go.

Will I still watch their movies? Probably, as long as it looks like something I want to see.  For me, the entertainment industry is just that… entertainment.  I do not need them to calibrate my moral compass.  They are entertainers.  They get paid a lot of money to pretend to be someone else.

Maybe we should quit celebrating celebrity.  Enjoy their work, but remember they are fallen, fallible humans just like we are.  They have some pretty awesome artistic skill, but they are not superior to anyone else.

Instead, let’s choose to follow the ONE who guides us perfectly.  Let’s value what God values.  We cannot serve God and have an inordinate concern for growing an economy at any cost.  Especially not the cost of human life.

For further reading:

Heartbroken Over Abortion
Protest Can Become Pro-activity

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