Put Off Then Put On – A Key to Personal Growth

put off

It’s actually one of the most obvious things we do in the course of a day.  In fact, it is SO obvious, we do it without much planning or forethought.  Yet if we DON’T do it, we can be highly uncomfortable.  What am I talking about?  Undressing. Before we can put on what we want to wear, we have to put off what we are wearing.

Metaphor for Life

This time of year people reflect on the past year and start making goals and plans for the next year.  We commit to self-improvement and promise to undertake new adventures. We resolve to do better in many areas of our lives. 

Sadly, many of our resolutions either never come about or do not last more than a few weeks.  Often the problem is that we try to put on without putting off.  We might find greater success in recognizing some things that we need to quit doing or put away.

Biblical Examples of Put Off

Before Isaiah could say, “Here I am, send me,” he had to let God cauterize the sin on his lips. (Isaiah 6:1-8)

Solomon reminded us that before gather stones, there first was a time for throwing them away.  (Ecclesiastes 3:5)Paul reminded his readers to put away the old self, attitudes, and actions.  (Ephesians 4:22-24, Colossians 3:9-10)

Growth and improvements are not merely a matter of just adding some good ideas and plans to our lives.  A gardener removes weeds and rocks before planting flowers.  So also, we need to remove some harmful  things from our lives to make room for the better and best.

What Do YOU Need to Put Off?

I am operating on a presupposition that you are willing to evaluate 2019 and pre-actively set goals for 2020.  Growth doesn’t just happen; we have to be intentional and pre-active.  Much improvement comes in what we put away before we begin to bring in the new. 

Here are a few suggestions to get you thinking about what you might need to put away in 2020.

1.  Physical clutter around you

How many items cab you donate to charity?  Are there some things you need to throw away?  What are you holding on to for sentimental reasons?  Does that sentiment hold you back or propel you forward?

2.  Bad habits

Contrary to the belief of some, we can overcome bad habits.  What about your diet?  Are you knowing eating things you know are not good for you?  Some bad habits are not as obvious as poor eating, smoking, drinking, etc.  What are things you do habitually that hinder your personal growth?

3.  Negative thinking

Do you think more about what you don’t have than your blessings?  How often do you tell yourself you are a failure, or inadequate?  Do you fixate on your spouse’s negative qualities or the things you love about him/her?  Philippians 4:8 reminds us to dwell on the good things. We become what we think, so maybe you should begin by putting away some thoughts.

4.  Unhealthy relationships

There is an old adage that says, “It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys.”  While that statement is meant to be funny, it carries a lot truth.  We are most influenced by the people around us the most.  (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Your list may not look like the one above, however, all of us have things we need to put off.  Sometimes the best additions are subtraction.  Think about your list today, and go to work on it.  NOW is the time.

Further Reading

You Are What You Think You Are
Guard Your Heart by Training You Brain