Ready or Not – Are You a Ready Person?


A recent daily reading from the classic Oswald Chamber devotion, My Utmost for His Highest, include the following statement.

A ready person never needs to get ready – he is ready.

Many professions on which we depend require a constant state of readiness for their agents.  Police officers make split second decisions in life or death situations.  Firefighters awaken from sleep during the night to risk their lives battling a threatening blaze.  EMTs have mere seconds to attend to a person whose life hangs in the balance.  Many others occupy jobs and callings that require them to be ready to engage a circumstance instantaneously.

[Tweet “Opportunities seldom happen with advance notice…we need to be ready.”]

The average Jesus-follower doesn’t deal with physical life or death situations on a regular basis.  We do, however, have the opportunity to affect the eternal pathway of those around us.  Those opportunities seldom happen with advance notice, and therefore, we need to be ready.

Ready for Opportunities

The Bible indicates at least four opportunities for which we need constant readiness.

1.  We need to be “ready for every good work.”  (2 Timothy 2:21)

Modeling our faith is much more effective than merely stating our faith.  What we do ultimately reveals what believe.  As believers, we ready ourselves for good works by keeping ourselves from things that bring reproach.  Our readiness routine should include both preventative and restorative measures.  We seek to keep ourselves from sin and we seek God’s forgiveness when we do sin.

[Tweet “What we do ultimately reveals what believe.”]

2.  We need to be “ready to give an answer” for the reason we trust in Jesus.  (1 Peter 3:15-16)

People cope with life different ways, and a Christian’s coping method is faith in Jesus, His plan, and His work.  To “regard Christ the Lord as holy” in our hearts means that we recognize that nothing else is as important.  Whatever circumstances we face, our desire is to use them to make Jesus famous.

When we respond to life differently, people will misunderstand us and questions our responses.  We need to be ready to explain why we desire to let Jesus shine through all of our life circumstances.  Of course, before we explain why, we first need to make sure we do let Him shine through us.

[Tweet “Whatever circumstances we face, our desire is to use them to make Jesus famous.”]

3.  We need to be ready to share the Gospel of peace.  (Ephesians 6:15)

Paul uses the illustration of a soldiers sandals to explain our stand with the good news of Jesus.  A soldiers shoes had cleats on the bottom for traction.  The shoes also included a sole to protect the feet and straps going up the leg for stability.  The sandal design enabled the soldier to move forward to accomplish the mission.

In like manner, the Gospel enables us to accomplish the mission God has given us to make disciples.  Every believer needs to know how to explain what it means to be and how to become a Jesus-follower.  In Friday’s blog, I will share some ways you can equip yourself with the Gospel.  Gospel tracts, memorized Bible verses, and your personal testimony provide some of the best “Gospel shoes” you can wear.  You are not completely “ready” until you put on your shoes.

[Tweet “You are not completely “ready” until you put on your shoes.”]

4.  We need to be ready for the Lord’s return. (Matthew 25:1-13)

The Bible often refers to Jesus-followers as his bride.  The first century marriage process illustrates why we need to be ready for our “groom” to appear.

When a couple agreed to marriage, the groom went away for a period of time to prepare their home.  When he finished his preparations, he would return to take his bride home.  She didn’t know how long the preparations would take and when he would return.  She kept a watchful eye at all times, and she was ready to go with him the moment he arrived.

Similarly, we know that Jesus has gone to prepare a home for us, his bride.  We know that he will return for us to take us home.  (John 14:1-6)  We ready ourselves by being faithful to the groom, living in obedience to God’s Word.  We ready ourselves by confessing sin that we inevitably commit so that our heart is clean.

Are you ready?  Do you need to get ready?  Let’s be ready for what may happen now and ready for what we know will happen soon.

One thought on “Ready or Not – Are You a Ready Person?

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