Shrinkflation of the Soul: Rating Your Spiritual Economy


Shrinkflation happens when companies reduce product size or quality but keep prices the same or higher. Lately, I’ve been seeing more examples of this sneaky form of inflation.

A carton of ice cream used to contain a half gallon.  Now most are 1.5 quarts.  And for a higher price!  I noticed we were running out of bread more quickly than usual.  The loaf we usually buy had 20 slices.  Now it has 16.  Those are just a couple of examples.

Spiritual Shrinkflation

I’ve noticed a more troubling trend—what I call ‘spiritual shrinkflation’—in which faith practices quietly diminish over time.  Many who study religious trends now define “regular” church attendance as attending once a month.  Polls are showing that many church people are also reading their Bibles less, donating fewer dollars, and praying less frequently.

Several factors have combined to lead to this downturn.  

Modern culture has become increasingly secular, prioritizing individualism, materialism, and technology over communal worship or religious practices.

With the rise of work, school, and family commitments, many people struggle to find time for spiritual practices like attending church, reading the Bible, or praying regularly.

Scandals, perceived hypocrisy, or disagreements with church leadership can lead to a lack of trust in religious institutions, causing some to withdraw from attending services or engaging in faith practices.

The convenience of online content, including sermons, Bible studies, and devotionals, has replaced in-person attendance for some, reducing the commitment to physical gatherings.

How often do we scroll for an hour but struggle to spend ten minutes in prayer? The rise of digital entertainment and social media has made it easy to prioritize distractions over devotion.

The increasing politicization of religion, including the alignment of churches with political ideologies, has led some individuals to distance themselves from organized religion.

Why Do We Shrink?

The writer of the Book of Hebrews warns us to pay attention lest we shrink.

Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. – Hebrews 2:1

Interestingly, the word translated “drift away” in the verse above refers to something being washed away by flowing water.  

The warning is clear: if we aren’t intentional, we will be swept away. Spiritual shrinkflation, like its economic counterpart, happens subtly and unnoticeably. We get caught in the undertow of everyday living and before we know it, our walk with God has cooled.

What Is the Answer to Spiritual Shrinkflation?

The Bible gives us a great example of a church that succumbed to shrinkflation.  We read about the shrunken church of Ephesusin Revelation 2:1-7.  Some 30 years or so after being founded by missionary Paul, Ephesus was now in spiritual shrinkflation.  Jesus rebuked them, “You have abandoned the love you had at first” (verse 4).  He mentioned some good things they had done in the previous verses. But now there were fewer slices of spiritual bread in the wrapper.

But as always, Jesus extends grace and offers a pathway back to vitality (verse 5).  He offers the same pathway to those experiencing a shrunken version of their previous walk. 

1.  Remember.  Take an honest assessment.  Here is a good diagnostic question to measure your shrinkflation.  Was there a time when you walked more closely and faithfully with Jesus than you are walking today?  If the answer is yes, you are in drift.

2.  Repent. The first step on the pathway back to vitality is owning where you are.  What has caused your drift?  What flows and streams of life have carried you away from Jesus?  Name them.  Be specific. 

3.  Return.  Jesus told them, “Do the works you did at first.”  It is one thing to recognize you are not where you once were.  And it is a good thing to feel remorse and want to walk closely with Jesus again.  But the ball is in your court. Or maybe we should say the oar is in your hand.  

The Conclusion

So where do you go from here? Recognize that whatever current you are floating in today is woefully inferior. Jesus purchased for you a life far greater than the world offers. And the Holy Spirit wants to do in you something far greater than you can do on your own.

Get back in your Bible.  Pray.  Go to church.  Get together with other believers who will spur you on to love and good works.  Jesus promises that when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). What’s stopping you? His invitation is open, full of grace and mercy — return to Him today and walk in His fullness.

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