Some Practical Ideas for Bible Study

One of the reasons many people do not engage the Bible regularly and intentionally is that they have no plan for doing so. Where to start? How to proceed? Today, I want to share a few ways I have found helpful in my Bible intake.

I like to read the Bible regularly in 3 different ways. First, I like to read large passages of Scripture to help me get a broader view of God’s Word. You might consider reading the Bible through in a year or even reading the New Testament through in a year. You can find several Bible reading plans online to help guide you in this process. Several good plans are available here.

I also like to read regularly through Psalms and Proverbs. I often alternate months reading one or the other in addition to my other Bible reading. In months with 30 days, you can read through Psalms by reading 5 a day, and in months with 31 days you can read through Proverbs by reading 1 a day, either easily doable during a lunch hour.

The most important reading, I believe, is Bible reading for devotional purposes – gaining immediately applicable truth and wisdom for daily living. This is best done in smaller sections. For this type of reading, I usually like to read through the Gospels or New Testament letters. I read a paragraph at the time – sometimes only one verse, and occasionally one verse over several days. During this time, I want to learn the truth of the text, in its context, and determine specific ways God wants to apply it to my life.

Often people use devotional books and materials to aid in this process. These are OK, but I find it more beneficial to allow God to speak directly to me through His Word without an intermediary source. I approach a text by asking and answering some questions to discover its truth.

One way to do this is called the SPECK method and asks 5 questions of the text. The keyword in each of the questions begin with a letter than when placed in succession spell the word SPECK.

    • Is there a SIN I need to forsake?
    • Is there a PROMISE I can claim?
    • Is there an ENCOURAGEMENT I need to hear?
    • Is there a COMMAND I need to obey?
    • Is there KNOWLEDGE I need to gain?


I also like to write what God reveals to me in my study. Often I even write prayers in response to what I learned. On a regular basis, I look back over my notes to review what God has shown me.

Hopefully these tips will get you on your way to intentional Bible study and unleash the power of God’s Word in transforming your life.

Tomorrow, I plan to share with you some tools I believe can help you unlock the truth of God’s Word, but until then what are some practices that you have found helpful in your Bible study? Click the comment button below and share with us.