You May Be Suffering from Spiritual Dehydration

spiritual dehydration

Many of us suffer from chronic dehydration and never realize it. We do not drink enough water.

Some of the signs of chronic dehydration include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of mental alertness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Arthritis, gout, and other joint/osteo issues
  • Urinary tract problems
  • Blood sugar imbalance

Maybe we could change that if we substituted water for the sodas and other useless beverages we consume. We certainly would feel better.

Even more people suffer from a more desperate hydration issue, but it is one of a spiritual nature. I call it spiritual dehydration. Sin dries the human soul and even bears physical consequences. Consider a simple two-word sentence recorded in John 19:38 uttered by Jesus as he hung on the cross.

I thirst.

The words succinctly echo the experience of King David as he tried to hide his sin with Bathsheba. You can read his testimony of spiritual dehydration in Psalm 32:3-4:

When I kept silent, my bones became brittle
from my groaning all day long.
For day and night your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was drained
as in the summer’s heat.

[Tweet “Sin dries the human soul and even bears physical consequences.”]

Signs of Spiritual Dehydration

  1. Neglect of prayer.

We cannot harbor sin and pray as usual. We cannot pray as usual and harbor sin. Loss of faithfulness in regular, daily prayer is the first sign that sin is dehydrating us spiritually.

  1. Spiritual restlessness.

Many people try to quench a physical thirst with something other than water. Similarly, many try to quench a spiritual thirst with something other than God. Substitutes only leave us more dehydrated than before.

[Tweet “We cannot harbor sin and pray as usual. We cannot pray as usual and harbor sin.”]

  1. Holy Spirit conviction.

The body sends many signals that it needs water. Conversely, the Holy Spirit speaks to the inner recesses of our lives to warn us of our spiritual dehydration. Just as neglecting the body’s warnings is physically dangerous, so also not heeding the Spirit only worsens our spiritual condition.

  1. Lack of spiritual motivation.

Physical dehydration may leave one listless and with little energy. So also, spiritual dehydration leads to spiritual apathy. As our spiritual vitality dries, we find little motivation for doing the very things that would lead to our healing.

[Tweet “Substitutes only leave us more dehydrated than before.”]

How to Recover from Spiritual Dehydration

As you read this, you may get the idea that I write from an informed position. You are correct. Sadly, I look back at too many spiritually dry times in my life. I neglected to confess known sinful actions, attitudes, and affections. Before I knew it, my spirit was dry.

The same once-shepherd then-king who found himself spiritually dry because of his sin offers some great rehydrating reminders. We find them in the most famous of his songs, Psalm 23.


  1. Feed on the “green pastures” of God’s Word.

Dwight l. Moody rightly said, “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”

In another Psalm, David said, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word.” (Psalm 119:9)

Discipline yourself to read God’s Word, even when you don’t “feel it.”


  1. Drink from the “still waters” of daily prayer with God.

Still waters are quiet waters. God does not intend to refresh us through moving waters. We need to learn to be still. Set aside time every day to shut down and be with God. We will not find refreshment trying to drink from the rapids. God restores the life of His child who slows down and spends time with Him.

[Tweet “We will not find refreshment trying to drink from the rapids.”]

  1. Resolve to live obediently to God’s direction.

Sin, as it’s core, is deviating from God’s established course. He will lead us in the right paths for the sake of His name. We, however, bear the responsibility of choosing to walk that path. We risk sin’s dehydration when we choose any path other than God’s.


How is your spiritual hydration? Are you exhibiting any of the signs of dehydration? What will be the ONE thing you will do TODAY to get back on track?