T-Ball for Christian Life

T-ball – it’s not just for kids. Major leaguers play it too sometimes. Hitters hit off a tee to develop “muscle motor memory.” Repeating the same movement hundreds of times trains the muscles to respond naturally so that no second thought is required. Nanoseconds can mean the difference in a line drive or a pop-up. Hitters know how to swing, but correct swinging practice insures a smooth swing every time. That is why hitters practice their swing every day.

In the same manner, Christians know that they should pray, and most Christians know something about praying, in fact, Christians also recognize that times will come when they need to pray. But how much do we really pray? Do we feel awkward praying during difficulty because we have not practiced the discipline of praying on a regular basis?

Notice what Jesus said about prayer in His famous Sermon on the Mount:

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. – Matthew 6:6-7

Allow me to suggest three tips that will help you practice this most basic drill of daily prayer.

First, have a specific time and place to pray. Jesus didn’t say if you pray, but when you pray, go into your room. If you expect to pray “when you find the time,” I assure you that you never will. We need to schedule daily prayers by setting an appointed time and designating an appointed place. Pray when and where you are most alert and able to give God undivided attention.

Second, get alone with God. Jesus encourages us to go into our room (closet) and shut the door. Take care to remove every possible distraction before you pray. Turn off your cell phone, get away from your computer, find a solitary place and minimize distractions. I don’t know about you, but my mind wanders enough on its own without getting any outside assistance.

Finally, keep your prayers specific and to the point. Jesus reminded His disciples that it was not the quantity of words that makes prayer effective, but the quality of the heart behind the prayer. We need not use flowery language or worry about fulfilling a time requirement. Let our conversation with God be as real as our conversation with a dear friend. Just as a short, compact swing can produce homeruns with minimum strikeouts, so also, a short and focused prayer packs a spiritual wallop.

Prayer is the most basic spiritual discipline, but it must be practiced. Don’t wait until you are in the hole 0-2 before taking a swing in prayer. Practice prayer on a daily basis and you will be amazed at how easily prayers come when life throws you a curve.

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