The 2016 edition of the Summer Olympics drew to a close Sunday. For me, these games were some of the most entertaining in memory. The accomplishments of Michael Phelps and Katie Ledecky in the pool, Simone Biles on the mat, and Usain Bolt on the track amazed us. The U.S. Men’s and Women’s basketball team not surprisingly dominated their competitions. At the end of the games, the U.S. led all countries in gold medal and total medal count. Unfortunately the games also provided some unnecessary and embarrassing off-site moments, but the accomplishments far outweigh the ridiculous.

(Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images)
The Olympic athletes did not just show up and compete; they trained for years preparing for these 16 days. They deprived themselves, pushed themselves, and extended themselves in trying to prove themselves best in the world. Each one had a goal of winning a gold medal in their field of competition.
Conversely, what would happen if we applied the same effort to our Christian life? How different would our lives look if we worked at our faith likes these athletes worked at their sport? Is it possible for us to “win” a gold medal in the Christian life? I think the Bible indicates we can. Look with me at 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.