Passion In the Right Direction

passionOur culture is not lacking passion these days, but passion is often misplaced.  We are passionate about our sports teams, our families, our jobs, and even about our hobbies.  We are passionate about politics and current events.  Yet, when it comes to things of God, we replace passion with either a robotic ritualism or general apathy.

How can we direct our passion toward God and living for him? Consider as a role model a King we read about in the Old Testament.  Here’s how the Bible summarizes his life, his epitaph, so to speak.

[he did] “what was what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God.” – 2 Chronicles 31:20

His name was Hezekiah, and he excelled above the other kings of Judah. If you study his life, you find a man with a passion for God. Why did the Bible say that he did what was good, right, and faithful? How could he accomplish this on a daily basis?

Passion Properly Directed

“In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.” – 2 Chronicles 31:21

I believe Hezekiah demonstrates four truths that will help us focus passion in the right direction.

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