Beware the Deadly Poison in Your Mouth

deadly poison

I don’t like snakes.  One of the creepiest things about a snake is that nasty forked tongue.  Did you know that the tongue was especially designed by God to help the snake evaluate his environment?

A snake has a special gland in the roof of his mouth called a Jacobson’s Gland. When the snake wags his tongue, he gathers scents around him on it. Then he he sticks the two tips of his tongue onto the two corresponding holes in his Jake Gland. The gland sends the data to his brain, which processes the gathered knowledge.

Our tongues are not so beneficial, and in reality even more poisonous. Hence we have the expression, “he speaks with fork-ed tongue.”  The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, vol. 2 suggests an English vocabulary somewhere between 250,000 words and 750,000 words (click here for reference).

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Beware of Hidden Prayer Sins

hidden prayer sins

Prayer is a good thing, right?  Well, it can be.  It should be.  However, prayer is sometimes sabotaged by hidden prayer sins that keep us from the full its benefits.

Hidden Prayer Sins

Below you will find a few hidden sins that lurk in our prayer times.  The list is certainly not exhaustive and you can probably add more.

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