This Odd but Merry Christmas

What do you do when life doesn’t go the way you expected? Those surprises come in different forms at different times and for different people – a bad health report, a relationship breakup, a financial shortfall, a job loss. I am sure you could add more that list. This Christmas marks the first time in 17 years that I am not the pastor of a local congregation during this special time of year. To say the least, it feels odd.

As I’ve read through the Christmas story the last several days, however, I find that I am in good company when it comes to unwanted and unexpected life circumstances. Also at no fault of his own and against his wishes, Joseph found himself somewhere he never thought he would be.

An angel appeared to give Joseph some very good advice for how to handle this unexpected turn of events. From Joseph’s example in Matthew 1:18-25, we can learn three actions that help us handle these unwanted circumstances.

First of all, when faced with unexpected and unwanted circumstances, TRUST THE WORK of GOD. In verse 20, we see that while Joseph was trying to figure out what to do, God sent His messenger with a word of hope for Joseph. God was the One who impregnated Mary…He was actively involved in their circumstance. When life surprises us, we can rest assured our all-knowing God knows no surprises. He sees and orchestrates circumstances in our lives before we even experience them.

Second, we can TURN TO THE WORD of GOD. The message of the angel was an application of Isaiah 7:14. God acts consistently with His Word, the Bible. So many Scriptures remind us to remain faithful in difficult circumstances. God is at work, and His Word prepares us and equips us to be effective in that work. Consider 2 Timothy 3:16-17. During your unexpected circumstances, turn to God’s Word often for guidance and instruction. Through the Bible, God will safely guide you through your circumstances and accomplish His purposes in and through you.

Finally, we can ENGAGE THE WILL of GOD. Verse 24 seems such a simple statement that we may easily pass it over without considering its implications – Joseph immediately went and did what the angel told him. It does little good for us to experience hardship and remain unchanged. James 1:2-4, 1 Peter 1:6-7 remind us that God uses our circumstances to bring us to places of obedience. God works in us through our circumstances so He can work through us because of our circumstances. So when circumstances surprise you, do what you know you should be doing.  Be faithful in your obedience.

So if you are experiencing difficult circumstances during this holiday season, I understand. I am too. This will be my family’s “weird Christmas” that we will fondly look back to in years to come. We will recount how God glorified Himself in our hardship, and how He brought us through all of this. Remember that God not only knows what you are going through, He is at work in it. Turn to His Word and obey what He tells you. This may be the Merriest Christmas ever.