What Jesus’ Cross Teaches Us about Trust Issues

trust issues

Trust. That is a touchy subject. Allstate® used to advertise “you’re in good hands with Allstate.”

But most of us  find it difficult to trust based on past experiences. Life in the 21st Century has become a jaded existence. Is there really anyone we can trust?

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Yes. God. Absolutely. Even when circumstances seem to indicate otherwise, God IS in control. He IS a good God. For those of us who know Him and are His children, He DOES work out everything for good.

If anyone had reason to question the paragraph above, it was Jesus. He was hanging on a cross, dying not for sins He committed, but for the sins of mankind. They had sinned of their own free will (as do we), yet He was paying the price. As He hung on the cross, He even felt the spiritual pain as His Father turned away from Him. As He hung there in shame the crowd ridiculed him. He even endured scorn from one hanging beside him. But just as His life slipped away, He uttered words that indicate quite a different attitude than we would think.

“And Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.’ Saying this, He breathed His last.”  – Luke 23:46

Even at His darkest hour, Jesus had full confidence in the same Father that earlier He felt had forsaken Him.

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What About Our Trust Issues?

That begs a question of us? At what point to we give up on God? When do we stop trusting God’s grip on our lives and take matters into our own hands? What circumstances in our lives seem so confusing, conflicting, or frightening that we decide we have to resort to our own resources, know-how, and abilities to try and cope with it? Has that ever happened to you? I’d be lying to say it never happened to me. I am ashamed to admit there have been times when trusting God got a little too scary or a little to difficult and I backed up to a safer, more comfortable place. But ultimately what place is safer than in God’s hands?

Sometimes I am utterly amazed that we Christians are eager to trust God with our eternity but reticent to trust Him with our today? We trust Him to safely carry our souls from this life to the next when it comes our time to go, but yet we have these moments where we only trust ourselves when life gets a little sticky. If you are honest, are you trying to hang on for dear life with only your hands? Turn your circumstances over to the One who hands are more sure than Allstate’s and live securely in His grip.

God IS good . . . ALL the time . . . and ALL the time . . . God IS good!

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