Whose Name Is on the Front of Your Jersey?

name on the front of the jerseyThe name New York Yankees is one of the most recognized sports franchises in history.  Even those who are not baseball fans probably know the team of Mickey Mantle, Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, and Yogi Berra.  The famous Yankee pin stripe uniform has not changed much since 1912.  It remains one of the most recognizable uniforms in the sports world.  There is another feature to the uniform you may have never noticed, and this feature has a spiritual significance for our lives.

While the Yankees were the first team to place numbers on the back of jerseys, they have never put the players names on the back of the jerseys like other teams have.  Some speculate that the reason they refused to put names on the back of the jerseys was to encourage the fans to buy a game program so they can identify the players by their numbers.  This was probably true when other teams began the practice of putting names on the jerseys, but the continued tradition points to an even more compelling reason – to emphasize that the Yankees are a team.

For the Jesus-follower, the Yankee jersey can teach us a few things about our Christian walk. 

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. – Colossians 3:17

Lessons from a Baseball Jersey

The Name on Front of the Jersey

The most important name is the name of the One for whom the team exists.  Just as “Yankees” is bigger than Ruth, Mantle, Gehrig, Berra, DiMaggio, and Jeter, so also JESUS is the name above all names.  We should do what we do or say what we say  to advance His cause, make His name great, and draw attention to Him.

Individual Responsibility

Although the jerseys at first had no name (and at first no number) on the back, each individual player had their individual uniform, fit just for them.  Pee Wee Wanninger (5’7”, 170 lbs.) could not wear Babe’s uniform.  So also, as Jesus followers, we have a specific fit in the body of Christ.  The Holy Spirit uniquely gifts and uses us as He works through us to carry out His purpose.  I cannot be someone else, but my responsibility is to be me.


Baseball is unlike most other sports in that it is a team sport highly dependent on individual performance.  While baseball rewards players for their individual accomplishments, the team calls on each player to set aside personal gain to benefit the team – the sacrifice hit, moving a runner over, letting a more effective player substitute.  So also, we must realize that God does not birth Lone Ranger believers.  We are meant to function as a team, or as the Bible references us, as a body.  We work together to mutually benefit the “name on the front of our jersey,” Jesus.

Let me encourage you today to consider your role on the team.  Have you tried to live the Christian life as a solo activity?  Get involved with the team.  Do you tend to make the team more about you and what you want or are you willing to sacrifice for the good of Christ? 

Related post : When Church Is a Little Like Baseball