10 Ways Jesus Is Better Than the Super Bowl

1. Broncos and Seahawks are created animals.  Jesus is the Creator.

2. Super Bowl Teams need 15 break at halftime to rest.  Jesus never sleeps or slumbers.

3. Super bowl features different teams and players each year. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

4. Super Bowl refs call penalties and take off yardage. Jesus offers grace and forgiveness

5. Boring announcers bring you the Super Bowl. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus.

6. Super Bowl includes entertaining commercials encouraging us to spend money.  Jesus offers eternal rewards for
investing ourselves.

7. Super Bowl halftime show ignorantly glorifies sin.  Jesus offers victory over sin.

8. Super Bowl lasts 60 minutes.  Jesus is eternal.

9. Super Bowl played in New York.  Jesus is on the Throne of Heaven.

10. Super Bowl results in a winner and loser.  Everyone who comes to Jesus is a winner.

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