Are We Running the Wrong Way?

In the 1929 Rose Bowl game between the University of California Bears and the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, Cal offensive lineman Roy Reigels made a historic play. He snatched up a ball on the first bounce that had been fumbled by Georgia Tech running back Stumpy Thomason (I love that name) and got spun around and proceeded to run 64 yards toward an apparent touchdown – only he was running the wrong way – toward his own team’s goal line. Speedy Cal running back Benny Lom chased him down, trying to convince him to stop. Reigels thought Lam was trying to get him to lateral the ball to him so he could get credit for the touchdown. He ignored the warnings until finally Lam caught him at the one yard line and got him to stop. But it was too late. Tech players tackled him at the one yard line.

Of course in 1929, offensive schemes were quite conservative, so Cal lined up (with Reigels at center) to punt. Tech’s Vance Maree broke through to block the punt and the ball rolled out of the end zone resulting in a safety and 2 points for Tech. That play provided the margin of victory as Tech won the Rose Bowl 8 – 7 capping off a perfect 10-0 season and a national championship.

What about our journey through life?  Could it be that we are scoring touchdowns in the wrong end zone? Is the success we chase going to matter in eternity? When we stand before Jesus will we impress Him with our toys and trophies? Are the things we are living for worth dying for? Is it time we reassess our priorities?

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?For what can a man give in return for his soul? Mark 8:36-37

Oh, by the way, in 1971 Roy Reigels and Benny Lom were granted honorary membership in the Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket Letterman’s Club. A step up, I would say, for a couple of Cal Bears.

4 thoughts on “Are We Running the Wrong Way?

  1. Jane Schum

    Thank you for your post, Jim, and thank you for your prayers for me this morning. Sometimes the Lord sets our priorities, or reminds us how frail we are. When I woke up with vertigo yesterday morning, my concentration and focus for a Sunday morning changed drastically. The immediate priority was to get to my doctor, and I am fine this morning.

    It seems you are writing about long term priority goals, but for those of us who are older, these goals become more short term. It is hard to think in terms of years because we simply might not have many left. Most of us have experience and talents the Lord can use if we are encouraged to think priorities short term.

    Who knows the Lord’s time table? Short term actions lead to long term service for young people. On the other hand, Grandma Moses and Col. Sanders had late life careers, but they are unusual. It would be nice if you could address priorities from our viewpoint. You are young. Use your imagination! Encourage us to step out of our safe place, get our minds off our hips, knees and anything else that hurts, and look for opportunities to serve the Lord. Thank you again for your posts, and for your prayers.

    • Thank you for the kind words… and the challenge to write a post encouraging even older people to step out in faith. I will take on that challenge soon.

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