Bad Church Sign Theology

church signChurch signs provide an excellent opportunity to spread information and share encouragement.  Unfortunately, many swing and miss.  At two former churches I pastored, I was at least partly responsible for creating and changing the messages on the church sign, so I know how challenging that is and I try to cut the sign people at churches some slack.

Trouble arises when we try to come up with a cute sound bite for the church sign, often at the expense of good theology.  The sign ministry people have good intentions, but something gets “lost in the translation.”  I saw an example of this scenario just the other day.

The church sign read:

Life is a puzzle and

Jesus is the missing piece.


After thinking about it some, I think I understand the sign ministry people meant to convey that Jesus is the answer for anyone trying to make sense of life’s difficulties.  Such an important and deep truth, however, cannot be communicated in a pithy church sign sound bite.

Jesus is not just a “piece,” He is the beginning, center, and end of the life devoted and surrendered to Him.  To suggest He is a piece, even the most important piece, is to assign Him a limited place. 

Consider with me one of the most important Bible verses about Jesus:

And He is the Head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent. – Colossians 1:18

Notice that one little preposition tucked away in the last clause.  IN everything He might be preeminent.”

Jesus does not want to be #1 on a list.  If He is an item on the list, we can conveniently leave Him out of the other items on the list. 

“…in EVERYTHING He might be preeminent.” We should not withhold any facet of our life from Jesus’ authority.  As the popular saying goes, “if He is not Lord OF all, then He is not Lord AT all.”

So consider the place Jesus has in your life today.  Is He on your list? At the top of your list? Or does He permeate every facet of your life?

Is Jesus preeminent at home?  Are there things in your home you would be embarrassed for Him to see?  Do things take place in your home that you hope He doesn’t find out about?

Is Jesus preeminent in your finances?  Do you give to his church regularly, faithfully, and sacrificially?  Or do you give what you have left over after paying the monthly payments on your toys?

Is Jesus preeminent in your schedule?  Do you give him prime time every day by reading his word and praying?

Is Jesus preeminent on your job or at school? During those hours do you accurately reflect his image by the things you say and do and the way you conduct your business?

What about your computer, electronic devices, social media accounts, TV, radio, etc.? Do you honor Jesus in your use of the gadgets He has allowed you to have?

The list could go on.

Just a little soul-searching today.  Think about it.  A piece of the puzzle or preeminent IN EVERYTHING?

Note: The sign above is not real.  I created it at ChurchSign Maker.

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