Protecting Your Marriage Like Mike and Karen Pence

protecting marriage

Last week, The Washington Post published an article about Karen Pence, wife of Vice-President Mike Pence.  You can read the very interesting article, written by Ashley Parker, by clicking on this link.

The article describes the important role Mrs. Pence plays in her husband’s life. Although it  contains 1931 words, this single sentence of 33 words has created the most reaction to the article.

“In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.”

Social Media buzzed with negative reactions to Mike Pence’s personal practice that he feels is important to protect his marriage.  Characterizations of Pence’s dining policy ranged from “prudishness” to claims it limits opportunities for women to work on his staff.  While some of the comments demonstrate well-meaning thoughtful observation, others display mean-spirited personal attacks by political opponents.

Why Would Anyone Oppose Protecting Marriage?

How could anyone fault a man for going to great lengths to avoid the appearance of impropriety with a woman?  I can think of a few reasons.

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The Forgotten Jesus – A Book Review

Forgotten Jesus

The Forgotten Jesus, the latest book by Robby Gallaty, releases to the public on Tuesday, April 4. Dr. Gallaty is Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He is the founder of Replicate Ministries dedicated to “educate, equip, and empower believers to make disciples who make disciples.” His previous titles include Rediscovering Discipleship, Growing Up, Firmly Planted, and Bearing Fruit.

With The Forgotten Jesus, Gallaty takes readers on a “journey to recover the Jewishness of Jesus.” Through this journey, he helps “bring familiar passages to life by viewing them through a Middle Eastern lens.” (page 13) Dr. Gallaty accomplishes this goal and more through The Forgotten Jesus.

The Forgotten Jesus is a scholarly work clothed in language even the everyday Bible reader can understand. Gallaty writes in such a way as to explain deep truths in practical, easily understood terms.

What Is In The Forgotten Jesus?

The first four chapters of the book explore the cultural world into which Jesus was born. Dr. Gallaty explains the differences in Eastern and Western cultures that often keep us from fully understanding the Biblical text.

He illuminates the foreshadowing of Jesus on Old Testament figures such as Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. Gallaty explores the 400-year period between the Old and New Testaments and how it set the stage for Messiah’s coming. He shed’s light on the cultural context of Jesus’ birth, childhood, and ministry.

Chapters 5 and 6 show how keshers, New Testament references to Old Testament passages, shed amazing light on Jesus’ teachings. Dr. Gallaty masterfully connects the first century wedding customs to both the last supper and Jesus discourse in John 14:1-6. Seeing that passage in light of the custom of the time opens up a whole array of understanding and appreciation for those passages.

Dr. Gallaty gives greater understanding to the miracle of the woman healed of an issue of blook by touching the “hem of Jesus’ robe.”   He helps the reader understand more fully the interchange between Nicodemus and Jesus in John 3. Understanding the Jews concept of “born again” enables the reader to see the fuller meaning in Jesus and Nicodemus’ conversation.

In chapter 7, Dr. Gallaty shows how Jesus fulfilled the three miracles every Jew expected only the Messiah to perform. Through healing a leper, casting out a dumb demon, and healing one born blind, Jesus validated His claim to Messiahship.  Moreover, The Forgotten Jesus reveals intricacies in each of those three miracles that often we either overlook or fail to understand.

Chapter 8 helps the reader overcome some common misunderstandings about the Last Supper. The chapter also sheds light on the cursing of the fig tree and Jesus’ table-turning display in the Temple. Chapter 9 delves deeply into the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus. Dr. Gallaty considers the question of whether or not a rooster literally crowed or if Jesus referred to a common custom of the day. Seeing the events of this important week in their historical-cultural context help the reader more fully understand Jesus’ sacrifice for sin.

The book closes with a practical encouragement to read the Bible from an Eastern understanding. Dr. Gallaty includes a 260 Bible reading plan that he calls Foundations: A Bible Reading Plan for Busy Believers. The plan calls for reading 5 days a week 52 weeks a year that will lead a believer through the most important Bible passages.

Who Should Read The Forgotten Jesus?

The Forgotten Jesus is a must-have book for all serious Bible readers. Going forward, I am sure I will refer to the book often as I prepare sermons and lessons. Dr. Gallaty’s insights will help me better understand the Bible in its Eastern World orientation.

I cannot think of a book I would more highly recommend to you than The Forgotten Jesus by Dr. Robby Gallaty.


You can order the book online at Amazon by clicking here.

Lessons I Learned from Watching a Controlled Burn

controlled burn

We once lived across the road from a hayfield. I love to watch the mowers, rakes, and balers. I love the smell of freshly cut hay. It would be OK with me if when the time comes I am so old no church wants to hear me preach, that I could retire to my own hay field.  I could mow, rake, and bale till my heart’s content.

Every February or March, my neighbor would burn his hayfield; torch the entire spread. Farmers call this a “controlled burn.” A controlled burn eliminates the thatch that deprives the grass of much needed rain water and nutrients.

The controlled burn also serves to rid the field of bugs and pests that jeopardized the growth of the grass. It also removes seeds of weeds that threaten the crop. The controlled burn removes lots of bad stuff.

A Spiritual Controlled Burn

Whenever I would watch the burn, I remembered these words from John the Baptist:

[Tweet “We are unwilling to let the Holy Spirit do His necessary work in our lives first.”]

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You May Be Suffering from Spiritual Dehydration

spiritual dehydration

Many of us suffer from chronic dehydration and never realize it. We do not drink enough water.

Some of the signs of chronic dehydration include:

  • Fatigue
  • Loss of mental alertness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Arthritis, gout, and other joint/osteo issues
  • Urinary tract problems
  • Blood sugar imbalance

Maybe we could change that if we substituted water for the sodas and other useless beverages we consume. We certainly would feel better.

Even more people suffer from a more desperate hydration issue, but it is one of a spiritual nature. I call it spiritual dehydration. Sin dries the human soul and even bears physical consequences. Consider a simple two-word sentence recorded in John 19:38 uttered by Jesus as he hung on the cross.

I thirst.

The words succinctly echo the experience of King David as he tried to hide his sin with Bathsheba. You can read his testimony of spiritual dehydration in Psalm 32:3-4:

When I kept silent, my bones became brittle
from my groaning all day long.
For day and night your hand was heavy on me;
my strength was drained
as in the summer’s heat.

[Tweet “Sin dries the human soul and even bears physical consequences.”]

Signs of Spiritual Dehydration

  1. Neglect of prayer.

We cannot harbor sin and pray as usual. We cannot pray as usual and harbor sin. Loss of faithfulness in regular, daily prayer is the first sign that sin is dehydrating us spiritually.

  1. Spiritual restlessness.

Many people try to quench a physical thirst with something other than water. Similarly, many try to quench a spiritual thirst with something other than God. Substitutes only leave us more dehydrated than before.

[Tweet “We cannot harbor sin and pray as usual. We cannot pray as usual and harbor sin.”]

  1. Holy Spirit conviction.

The body sends many signals that it needs water. Conversely, the Holy Spirit speaks to the inner recesses of our lives to warn us of our spiritual dehydration. Just as neglecting the body’s warnings is physically dangerous, so also not heeding the Spirit only worsens our spiritual condition.

  1. Lack of spiritual motivation.

Physical dehydration may leave one listless and with little energy. So also, spiritual dehydration leads to spiritual apathy. As our spiritual vitality dries, we find little motivation for doing the very things that would lead to our healing.

[Tweet “Substitutes only leave us more dehydrated than before.”]

How to Recover from Spiritual Dehydration

As you read this, you may get the idea that I write from an informed position. You are correct. Sadly, I look back at too many spiritually dry times in my life. I neglected to confess known sinful actions, attitudes, and affections. Before I knew it, my spirit was dry.

The same once-shepherd then-king who found himself spiritually dry because of his sin offers some great rehydrating reminders. We find them in the most famous of his songs, Psalm 23.


  1. Feed on the “green pastures” of God’s Word.

Dwight l. Moody rightly said, “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.”

In another Psalm, David said, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word.” (Psalm 119:9)

Discipline yourself to read God’s Word, even when you don’t “feel it.”


  1. Drink from the “still waters” of daily prayer with God.

Still waters are quiet waters. God does not intend to refresh us through moving waters. We need to learn to be still. Set aside time every day to shut down and be with God. We will not find refreshment trying to drink from the rapids. God restores the life of His child who slows down and spends time with Him.

[Tweet “We will not find refreshment trying to drink from the rapids.”]

  1. Resolve to live obediently to God’s direction.

Sin, as it’s core, is deviating from God’s established course. He will lead us in the right paths for the sake of His name. We, however, bear the responsibility of choosing to walk that path. We risk sin’s dehydration when we choose any path other than God’s.


How is your spiritual hydration? Are you exhibiting any of the signs of dehydration? What will be the ONE thing you will do TODAY to get back on track?

Why Telling the Truth Matters

truth matters

Truth has taken quite a hit lately.  The press has created two new terms to describe our untruthful habits: fake news and alternate facts. Everyday we encounter dishonest politicians, salespeople, strangers, friends, and sadly even church people. I’m sad to say that, yes, even preachers fall victim to the temptation to lie.

What Exactly IS Lying?

Lying takes several forms.  Most obvious is the blatant disregard for facts and the deliberate deception of others to serve one’s own purpose.  Some have honed the skill of sounding sincere while sharing what they know to be false.  Lying, however, can wear many disguises.

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When We Realize How Sin Affects God

sin affects God

“My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” – Matthew 27:46

Have you ever wondered if sin effects God? At the darkest moment in earth’s history, because of our sin, God had to turn away from His Son. Earlier He had said about this same Son, “This is my beloved Son in Whom I a well pleased.”

What changed from the time of Jesus’ baptism until His crucifixion? Consider these Scriptures:

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 5:21

Then even more graphically:

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” – Isaiah 53:6

Jesus’ shoulders – that is what changed. At His baptism, those shoulders, dripping with water from the Jordan River, bore holy glory of Almighty God. John remembered, “We beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten of God full of grace and truth.”

However, on the cross, those same shoulders now carried the stench and stain of every sin. They bore the guilt of every human being who had lived, was living, or ever would live.

Sin Affects God

What effect did that sin have on God? He had to look away. The ugliness of sin was so repulsive that God could not even look at His own Son. That is the sickening effect of sin on God. God loved His Son. But because of His essential holiness, He could not even look at His Son at this most agonizing time.

So the next time you face temptation to excuse sin, think about the reaction of God to sin.

When you want to rationalize or even turn a blind eye to sin, picture the darkest day in human history.

The next time someone calls it a “lifestyle choice,” remember what that choice did to God that day at Calvary.

“Don’t ask – don’t tell” did not cover the atrocity of sin that day at Calvary.

The next time the entertainment industry uses sin to amuse us, remember Sin neither amuses nor entertains God. It repulses Him.

Let’s take sin more seriously, shall we? God does.


Prayer Meeting and the Great Omission

prayer meeting

Many churches call their Wednesday night gathering “prayer meeting.”   I supposed the name described the evening’s activities at one time in history.

We church folks talk a big talk about believing in the power of prayer.  We make bold statements like, “Prayer changes things.”  We promise to pray for others we know who face great life challenges.  But the service that bears the name “prayer meeting” remains the least attended service on the church calendar. Prayer meeting has become the church’s Great Omission.

Many churches experience the largest Wednesday attendance when the church is having a congregational meeting to vote on “business.”  Conversely, the Wednesday night meeting called “prayer meeting” usually involves very little group prayer.  Bible study, prayer requests, and family supper usually occupy more time on the agenda than prayer.

[Tweet “Prayer meeting has become the church’s Great Omission.”]

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What Would It Take for You to Abandon Jesus?


“…He said to His mother, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ Then He said to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” – John 19:26-27

What a tender moment. Even as His life slowly was dripping from Him, Jesus had the wherewithal to make provisions for His mother’s care. As He looked around, the scene must have broken His heart even more so. How could His dearest friends abandon Jesus?

There stood the women who had faithfully supported His ministry the last three years. But where were those twelve men who had been his close associates for the last three years? The Bible only accounts for three of them. What happened to the other nine?

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Beware the Deadly Poison in Your Mouth

deadly poison

I don’t like snakes.  One of the creepiest things about a snake is that nasty forked tongue.  Did you know that the tongue was especially designed by God to help the snake evaluate his environment?

A snake has a special gland in the roof of his mouth called a Jacobson’s Gland. When the snake wags his tongue, he gathers scents around him on it. Then he he sticks the two tips of his tongue onto the two corresponding holes in his Jake Gland. The gland sends the data to his brain, which processes the gathered knowledge.

Our tongues are not so beneficial, and in reality even more poisonous. Hence we have the expression, “he speaks with fork-ed tongue.”  The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, vol. 2 suggests an English vocabulary somewhere between 250,000 words and 750,000 words (click here for reference).

[Tweet “We can use such a remarkable vocabulary to inflict so much damage.”]

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Paradise Today – You Can Be Sure

paradise today

Isn’t it amazing how rapidly things change? Of course things can go from bad to worse in a heartbeat. However, they can also move the other direction just as quickly.

How long did it take Jesus to turn dirty hand-washing water into premium wine? It was instantaneous.

How long did it take five loaves and two fishes to feed 5000 men and their families? The story seems to imply it was immediate.

With that in mind, consider this second statement of Jesus from Calvary’s cross found in Luke 23:43.

“Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Jesus made this statement to one of His co-sufferers. We do not know much about the two men crucified with Jesus.  From what we can gather, however, they were quite a pair. They responded differently to their demise, however.

One of the men hardened and cursed his very life until the bitter end. Conversely, the other softened and actually opened his heart to Jesus. Can you imagine what hope the message brought to a man suffering a slow, agonizing death? “Assuredly . . . today . . . paradise.”  Paradise TODAY.

This word from the cross affirms Jesus’ mission and His ability to carry it out even at creation’s darkest hour. He came to seek and save the lost. His death on the cross was the substitute that would forever pay for the sins of all mankind. It was – especially on that day – salvation for a man hanging with Him.

How Do We Experience Paradise Today

To those of us who have experienced His grace this word encourages us in three tenses – past, present, and future.

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