Paradise Today – You Can Be Sure

paradise today

Isn’t it amazing how rapidly things change? Of course things can go from bad to worse in a heartbeat. However, they can also move the other direction just as quickly.

How long did it take Jesus to turn dirty hand-washing water into premium wine? It was instantaneous.

How long did it take five loaves and two fishes to feed 5000 men and their families? The story seems to imply it was immediate.

With that in mind, consider this second statement of Jesus from Calvary’s cross found in Luke 23:43.

“Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Jesus made this statement to one of His co-sufferers. We do not know much about the two men crucified with Jesus.  From what we can gather, however, they were quite a pair. They responded differently to their demise, however.

One of the men hardened and cursed his very life until the bitter end. Conversely, the other softened and actually opened his heart to Jesus. Can you imagine what hope the message brought to a man suffering a slow, agonizing death? “Assuredly . . . today . . . paradise.”  Paradise TODAY.

This word from the cross affirms Jesus’ mission and His ability to carry it out even at creation’s darkest hour. He came to seek and save the lost. His death on the cross was the substitute that would forever pay for the sins of all mankind. It was – especially on that day – salvation for a man hanging with Him.

How Do We Experience Paradise Today

To those of us who have experienced His grace this word encourages us in three tenses – past, present, and future.

The Past

For the past it is a reminder that the Lamb of God was slain for our sins. When we received His grace gift of forgiveness, He provided forgiveness for ALL our sins. When the devil tries to dig up our past, we can remind him that our past sins are GONE! We can even forgive ourselves, since God has forgiven us.

The Present

For the present it is a reminder of Jesus’ ability to change our circumstances in a flash. Paul refers to such things as “light, momentary afflictions.” They may not feel light to us, and they certainly may feel as though they have endured a long time. However, when compared to eternity those hardships are but a puff of smoke.

God can and does turn things around in our lives relatively rapidly. Your hurt and pain will pass, God will see to it.  Deliverance is your reality TODAY.

The Future

For the future, it is a reminder that this world is not our home. We have citizenship in heaven, and we are homesick. I know I am. I

Imagine, if you will, the very best possible day here on earth. What would it be, what would you do, what would happen? How much joy would it bring you? Now multiply that 100 x 1,000,000,0001,000,000,000. What you have there is the least exciting day in eternity.

So, no matter how bad it gets, or even how good it gets, during our earthly visit, we still have heaven to look forward to and it is so much better than this. It’s PARADISE.

So, hang in there brothers and sisters. Our Savior has better things for us coming right up!