Avoiding the Spiritual Germ of Negativity

spiritual germ

Lot’s of people are coughing and wheezing these days, and many of them are contagious. It is amazing that something so microbial that it is unseen can bring an otherwise functioning person to a grinding halt.

So far, I’ve managed to remain germ-free.  I have taken my vitamins, eaten lots of yogurt, and washed my hands so much I have shed a few layers of epidermis.  I can’t get sick; because I have too much to do. When a preacher gets sick, he sounds like a cross between James Earl Jones and Inspector Clouseau.   Not an attractive sound.

What is a Spiritual Germ

An insipid spiritual germ exists that is even more highly contagious and dangerous that the one that causes a physical URI. This germ is called NEGATIVITY.

…No human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. – James 3:8-10

Gossip, complaining, fault-finding.  These are the streptococci of the spirit. When you hear them, run!  Stay away.  Another’s negativity may infect you and make you miserable.

You test positive for negativity when you hear it from your own lips.  God prescribes repentance and prayer as the remedy.  He promises to forgive every sin we confess to Him and CLEANSE us from all unrighteousness.

Staying Free from the Spiritual Germ

We can take certain precautions to keep us free from intection.

1. Avoid contaminated people.

Hospitals discourage young visitors lest they catch the bug and create an epidemic in the schools. In fact, our local hospital recently created an off campus “emergency room” dedicated solely to flu patients. From an attitude standpoint, I am trying my best to avoid people contaminated with the negativity virus for fear they will contaminate me with their bug and make an ill pill of me.

2.  “Wash” often.

Just as frequent hand washing has proven effective against the spread of germs and illness; so also frequent prayer has proven effective against the virus of negativity. It is IMPOSSIBLE to spend time with our Heavenly Father and be negative. Thinking about Him, what He has done for us, and what He can do for us is a sure-fire anti-bacterial against the germs of negativity.

3.  Take Spiritual Supplements

Just as we can help our bodies fend off germs, bacteria, and viruses by taking plenty of vitamins and supplements, so also we can ward off negative attitudes by regularly taking the vitamins and supplements found in God’s Word.

Reading the Bible fills our minds with positive thoughts and leaves little room for negativity. The Bible has more than adequate antidotes for those negative thoughts, words, and attitudes that bombard us daily. In God’s Word is the truth about Him and the life He has given us, reasons for hope, optimism, and praise. Show me a negative person and I will show you a person who is not praying and not reading God’s Word.

Protect yourself. The bug is heading your way if it hasn’t already. Watch your thinking and don’t get caught up in the trap of negativity. Choose to think positive. Choose to read God’s Word and fill your mind with TRUTH. Choose to spend time in prayer focusing on what God has done and realizing what He is about to do in your life.

A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. – Proverbs 17:22

2 thoughts on “Avoiding the Spiritual Germ of Negativity

  1. Pingback: Beware the Deadly Poison in Your Mouth - www.jimduggan.org

  2. Pingback: Civility: Where Did It Go and Can We Find It Again? - www.jimduggan.org

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