Seven Choices for a Better 2017

choices for the new year

I am a product of the first generation of video game kids. The video games we played in my youth were very primitive compared to the sophisticated high-tech games kids play today. Our game choices, nonetheless, challenged us and entertained us for hours.

For a flashback example, click here to watch a YouTube video of the classic Atari game Pong.

Arguably, one of the best features of the video game was the reset button. If the game was not going as you hoped, you could hit the reset button and start over.

Even though real life doesn’t come with a reset button, New Year’s Day gives the illusion of a fresh start. It is a time to assess the past year and pray about growing in the year to come. New Year’s gives us an opportunity to improve on the previous year.

I believe that much success in life comes from how we choose to view it. With that in mind, I am choosing to look at things a little differently in the coming year.

7 Choices I Am Making for 2017

A familiar Scripture has provided the framework to make some choices about my outlook in the coming year. The passage is Philippians 4:4-20. I invite you to consider these choices for a new perspective in your new year.


1. JOY over desperation. (4-5)

We can choose joy over desperation because “the Lord is near.” Whatever our circumstances, God is near and in control. We need not panic or despair since our great and Sovereign God is accomplishing His plan around us.

I choose to center my joy not in my circumstances but on the presence and faithfulness of God.

2. PRAYER over anxiety. (6-7)

No matter is too small that it is insignificant to God nor too big that it is difficult for Him. When I take matters into my hands, I panic, but when I give them to God, I experience His peace. I can bring anything to Him in prayer knowing that He will handle it appropriately and in a timely manner. Prayer brings peace, prayerlessness yields panic.

I choose to bring everything to God in prayer and thank Him for the blessings He sends.

3. POSITIVITY over negativity. (8)

Our minds play a large roll in what we feel and how we act. What we think shapes who we become. Since my thoughts eventually determine the outcome of my life, right thinking will produce right living. I can eliminate “stinking thinking” and fill my mind with what Paul calls “these things.”

I choose to fill my mind with positive thoughts and reject negative, energy draining thoughts.

4. FAITHFULNESS over fickleness. (9)

Thankfully, there are a few contemporary Christian leaders who stand out as good examples for us to follow. Rather than listen to the fickle opinions of contemporary culture, we can follow the examples of these godly leaders. We can gain wisdom from their writings, encouragement from their teaching, and examples from their lives.

I choose to follow faithful examples of those who’ve gone before me and not worry about the latest fads and popular opinions.


5. CONTENTMENT over complaint. (10-13)

According to Paul, contentment is a learned behavior. It’s been said. “You will not be content with what you want until you are content with what you have.” Rather than always looking for “greener pastures,” we can look for God’s hand in the situations where He places us. Contentment means I trust that God has planted me where He wants me. I will allow Him to make me “bloom where I am planted.”

I choose contentment with what I have because success depends not on what I have but on the power of Christ working through what He has provided.


6. FAITH over self-reliance. (14-19)

It is easy for us to worry about our resources, but faith trusts God to provide what we need. Needs and wants are different. We can live in faith knowing that if we don’t have it, we don’t need it. If we need it, God will see to it that we have it.

I choose to trust God to provide for my needs even in ways I may not expect.


7. PRAISE over fear. (20)

Sometimes, God allows us to get into dire straits, so that when He rescues us only He can get credit. When our resources, efforts, and plans prove sufficient, we tend to take credit. Then there are those times when the only explanation is, “well, God…” May we experience more of the latter.

I choose to divert all attention, glory, and praise toward God; the ONE who deserves it all.


What are some new perspectives you are considering for the coming year?