Concentric Circles – A Plan for National Day of Prayer

Today is National Day of Prayer across the United States of America.  Hopefully, millions of Americans will join in praying for our communities and nation during this day.  I also plan to set aside more time than usual to pray alone.  As part of my personal prayer time, I have developed a Prayer Chart of Concentric Circles to guide me.

If the chart is helpful to you, please feel free to use it and share it with others.

concentric circles


Concentric circles share a common center.  I was quite uncomfortable putting myself in the center of the circles.  I have a firm belief that Jesus is the center of everything in life. (Colossians 1:18)  But the reason I am in the center circle is that I want Jesus to BEGIN His work in me.  Then, as He works in me, I pray that He will work through me in the other circles.

My prayer is for what Jesus wants to do differently in my life.  Then I pray that He will find me useful in His purposes for the other areas of prayer.


My next level of prayer concern is my family.  I pray for the spiritual well-being of my wife and daughter. Additionally, I pray that God will also do a work in them and that He will enable me to bless them.  I extend that prayer to my other family members and close friends who are like family to me.


I pray that Jesus will help me lead our church in His paths.  That He will use me to draws people into a deeper relationship with Him.  Then because of that deepening relationship, that He will work outwardly through us.  I pray that our church will have a vision for so much more than our own survival.  I pray for holiness and passion in our membership.


I pray that God will use me in some way to make Middle Georgia a more godly place.  Also, I pray that God will open doors of opportunity to work with other believers across the Mid-state to make an impact for Jesus.  I pray that we will repel the darkness that envelopes our community with the light of Jesus.  No darkness can overcome His light. (John 1:5)

Finally, I pray our community will exchange politics, prejudice, and preference with righteousness, justice, and sacrificial love.  And if He sees fit, may Jesus allow me to be part of the solution rather than the problem.


I pray the same for our country that I do for our community.  I pray that we will stop emphasizing the opinions and outlooks that divide us.  Instead, I pray that we will rally around the One who came to redeem us.  May the righteousness of Jesus become the pursuit of America.

I pray that I will advance the cause of Christ instead of the platform of a party.  I pray that I will extol the praises of Jesus rather than criticize the shortcomings of an opponent.


I pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will continue to spread around the world in increasing frequency and fruitfulness.  Moreover, I pray that God will give me heart big enough to embrace a world vision.  I pray that evil around this world will meet its match in the One who is GOOD.

An Invitation to Concentric Circles

I invite you to join me in the Concentric Circles of Prayer not just today, but frequently.   The circles do not necessarily include a place to intercede for specific needs.  We need dedicated times for intercession also.  But I hope that the Concentric Circles encourage you to expand your prayer beyond the usual “shopping list” of intercessory needs.

Click the “Leave a Comment” tab above and share some circles you would include in your chart.

For more on prayer consider reading these previous posts:

Give Pop-Up Prayer a Chance

Proactive Prayers You Should Be Praying

Focus Better with These 5 Prayer Hacks

3 Reasons You Need a Regular Prayer Time