Don’t Just Do Something…Sit There!

Don’t just sit there… DO SOMETHING! I’m sure you’ve heard that or even used it. We sense urgency in a situation and immediately feel like we must DO SOMETHING to FIX IT. It DEMANDS our action. That approach got King Saul in a lot of trouble and it can us as well.

You can read the story in 1 Samuel 13:1-14, but I’ll summarize for you. The Philistines lined up in an impressive battle array for battle against Israel. The Israelite army trembled in fear. Saul sent for God’s prophet Samuel who would offer burnt offerings seeking God’s intervention on their behalf. Saul grew impatient waiting on Samuel and offered the sacrifices himself. The Philistines were threatening. They didn’t have time to wait. It seemed to him that time was running out and if he didn’t act, they would not make it. He couldn’t just sit there…he had to DO SOMETHING.

Bad choice. No sooner had he placed the offering on the altar Samuel arrived and was furious that Saul had acted rashly. Moreover, because he had acted in this manner and reacted in the flesh, God removed the family of Saul from the throne of Israel. After his reign, his children would not succeed him, but as we know now, David would take the throne. Just like us sometimes, he couldn’t just sit there…he had to DO SOMETHING.

Many times in the Bible, God encourages us to wait – Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14, Proverbs 3:5-6, and my personal favorite Psalm 46:10 just to name a few. Take a few moments and read them.

I am now in a waiting season in my life. What should I do in this time? As I wait I will pray, seek God, watch for Him to work around me. Biblical waiting is not passive.

Waiting on God does not mean we sit idly by but rather we actively engage God by asking, seeking, and knocking and not moving until we are sure He has answered, revealed, and opened. (Matthew 7:7) The worse thing I could do is jump before God says jump. Getting ahead of God is just as bad as lagging behind, either way you’re not following Him.

Are you tempted to DO SOMETHING to fix a perceived threat or danger? It may well be that the time for action has come, but before you act, make sure you have heard from God and that it is HE who has told you to move and not your desire to fix the situation.

Don’t just do something…SIT THERE.