Fan or Follower?


For several weeks, I have been thinking about how often we “play” at our Christian discipleship. We believe in Him, and we claim to be His, but do we actually follow Him? We are big fans of Jesus. We like what he does for us; we like that when we die we can go to heaven, but are we truly His disciples? If we are following Him we are living the way He would prescribe, we are following HIS steps.

In Mark 8:34, Jesus said,

…“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

This week I had the privilege of teaching a seminar on team building to a group of Community Ministries Directors from across Georgia. During the second day of the seminar I greatly enjoyed the presentation by Beth Ann Williams, Executive Director of the Woman’s Missionary Union of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. As I continued to think about one of the handouts she shared, I am reminded I cannot follow Jesus until first I take up my cross and deny myself.

Read carefully the excerpt below from the handout Beth Ann gave us.

Living Sacrifice.jpg

Now read Galatians 2:20 and Romans 12:1.

Challenging isn’t it?

Are you merely a fan of Jesus, or are you ready to be a follower?

Jesus doesn’t call fans. He calls followers.