Father’s Day and Our Heavenly Father

my earthly father

My Earthly Father

I had a great father.  He wasn’t perfect, and like any father-son relationship we had our good days and bad days, but he was a great dad.  My dad went to be with Jesus a little over 7 years ago and never does a day go by without a memory or thought. He left a legacy of doing the right things the right way. Never does a day go by without a thought or memory, and I  wish I could be half the father to my daughter that he was to his son.

During this Father’s Day weekend (just like at all other times), my dad will hold a prominent place in my heart and thoughts, but my primary focus will be my infinitely greater Heavenly Father. I have a high view of God as my Heavenly Father because of the lofty view I have of my earthly father. 

I understand the concept of “father” is not necessarily a positive impression for some.  Maybe your relationship with your father was not good, or maybe your earthy father fell way short in being the man he should have been in your life.  If that is you, I understand your hurt and I hope my words today encourage you. 

If you, like me, had or have a great paternal relationship, I want my words today to enlarge your heart and bring you to a new height of worship.  As good as your dad may have been or is, God is even greater and His presence in your life, as unimaginable as it may seem, does more for you than even the greatest earthly father. 

God as Our Father

Consider these ways God excels as our Heavenly Father.

He Brought Us into the World

Some fathers play a role little more than a sperm donor while others are guiding influences in their kids’ lives, but all of us owe our existence to a male person somewhere.  God, however, not only created all there is generally speaking, He designed you – specially, uniquely, and purposefully.  You are His masterpiece.  (Psalm 139:13-16)

He Is Our Infallible Authority

God gives us fathers as authorities, but since they are human, their authority is less than perfect.  No matter how hard I try as a father, and no matter how badly I want to do it right, the fact remains I fail more times than I succeed.  God never fails us.  His Word guides us down a perfect path (Psalm 19:7-11).

He Is Our Provider

My dad worked hard to meet our family needs.  Looking back, we really didn’t have a lot, but at the time it seemed we had everything.  Even more so, God has given to us all that we have and need.  James 1:17 reminds us that God has given us everything that is good for us.

Regardless of our relationship with our earthly father, God fills in the gaps and excels as our Heavenly Father in these few ways and many more. During this weekend, let me challenge you to spend some time reflecting on the goodness of God and worship Him for all He is to you and thank Him for all He does for you.

To get your worship started, click on the video below and enjoy this awesome Chris Tomlin song about our Good, Good Father.