Ready to Share the Gospel as You Go

share the GospelIn Wednesday’s blog, I suggested four areas in which we need to always be ready. One of those areas involved our readiness to share the Gospel of Jesus.

Many people equate sharing the Gospel with a program or particular event. Jesus had in mind, however, that we would share the Gospel as a natural part of everyday life.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20

The verses above constitute what we call The Great Commission. These were some of Jesus’ last words, indicating what He expected His disciples to do while awaiting His return.

[Tweet “Sharing our faith is more than spending a weeknight visiting someone who is a “prospect”…”]

The first word of the sentence in the original language is actually a participle grammatically. Jesus instructed them that as they were going about their daily activity, they were to make disciples. How many of us – as we go about daily business – could tell someone how to become a Jesus-follower?

Sharing our faith is more than spending a weeknight visiting someone who is a “prospect” and sharing a memorized presentation. Sharing our faith is a lifestyle in which we are ready for any opportunity to encourage someone to follow Jesus.

[Tweet “Sharing our faith is a lifestyle in which we are ready for any opportunity…”]

Below are four ways to develop a readiness to share the Gospel as a natural part of your daily living.

  1. Your personal testimony.

Your personal testimony is your story about how you began and how you live you relationship with Jesus. It involves three parts: your life before following Jesus, how you became a Jesus-follower, and how Jesus has impacted your life. You should be able to share your story in about five minutes. Don’t spend too much time on the details of your life before Jesus. Share enough to relate how you realized your sin.

Your testimony is powerful because it comes with instant credibility. You stand there as living proof. Someone else can more easily relate to a “real-life” story.

[Tweet “Your testimony is powerful because it comes with instant credibility.”]

  1. The Roman’s Road.

This method is thus named because it travels through five verses in the book of Romans from need to resolution.

Romans 3:23 – We all have sinned.

Romans 5:8
– Even though we are sinners, Christ still died for us. He didn’t wait for us to clean up.

Romans 6:23
– If we remain in our sin, we face death – eternal separation from God. God has provided us a free gift of eternal life through Jesus.

Romans 10:9-10
– Accepting the free gift involves us committing our heart to Jesus and confessing Him as our Lord.

Romans 10:13
– We call on Jesus to forgive us and take control of our lives.

You can easily memorize these verses and their meanings. You can print them out on a card that you keep with you at all times. Or you can underline them in a Bible that you may easily carry with you.

  1. Gospel Tracts.

Pamphlets printed with Bible verses and explanations about trusting in Jesus provide many benefits. They allow you to share the Gospel with memorizing verses. They provide a visual tool that helps many understand the truths more clearly.

You can also leave a tract with someone so that can continue to consider what you have shared. I have often mailed tracts with birthday, Christmas, Get Well, or encouragement cards. And I love to leave tracts behind at restaurants and other places I go.

My favorite tract to use is Steps to Peace with God, developed by Billy Graham. You can purchase these from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at this link. Christian Book Distributors makes them available at this link.

Additionally, you can find this and other good Gospel tracts at your local Christian book store.  I would advise you, however, to steer clear of the more “cartoony” and “gimmicky” tracts.  Look for attractive but professional looking tracts that clearly convey the Gospel message.

  1. Online and Social Media.

The Internet and Social Media provide an excellent opportunity for us to share the good news of Jesus. We can post verses and encouragements as well as our testimony. The tract I mentioned about, Steps to Peace with God, is also available online. You can post this link to any of your Social Media accounts or include in emails.

Another great online resource I like to use is called The Story. This resource combines online media to explain the work of God from creation to restoration. I like to randomly share my personal link on my various social media accounts on a monthly basis. You can view The Story at this link and sign up for your own shareable link.

[Tweet “Never has there been a time when “ready” was easier.”]

We have many tools at our disposal to share the Gospel. Never has there been a time when “ready” was easier. How about you? Are you ready to share the Gospel as you go?