Halftime Adjustments for The Year


In sports that feature a halftime break, teams have the opportunity to adjust their game plan. The first half of the game may have provided unforeseen obstacles to which they will be able to adapt. Halftime is so much more than just a few minutes to rest and sip your favorite electrolyte-replacing beverage. The best teams and best players use halftime to prepare themselves for the second half.

Halftime Adjustments to Start the Second Half

As June closes out and July looms, we enter the second half of 2021. Here are some personal adjustments you might consider at this year’s halftime.

Revaluate your purpose.

Why do you life your life? Does the way you order your life move you closer to fulfilling your reason for living? Do your choices and does your scheduling reflect your priorities?

This year’s halftime gives us the opportunity to evaluate how well we are living toward fulfilling our life’s purpose. If you have never written a personal mission statement, halftime would be a great time to do so.

Consider the important areas of your life: your faith, family, job, community involvement, and what other areas matter to you. AdditionallyAsk God to show you what He wants to accomplish in and through you in those areas of your life. Compose a sentence of 15-20 words for each of those areas defining what you will seek to allow Him to accomplish.

Once you have your personal mission statements, set priorities, calendars, and goals that reflect those purposes.

Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people. Colossians 3:23

Re-evaluate your goals.

What progress have you made toward your goals you set for the year? Sometimes when we lag behind the goals we set, we are tempted to give up and quit trying. Instead, reestablish a new, more realistic goal, and set about with vigor to accomplish it.

Perhaps, you have already achieved a goal you expected to take the entire year. Maybe you are so close to a accomplishing a particular goal and you are tempted to engage “cruise control.” Resist that urge. Set the bar farther or higher and redouble your efforts.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might… Ecclesiastes 9:10

Re-evaluate your standing.

Are you where you need to be spiritually? Are you growing and learning new things? Have you stretched yourself out of your comfort zone in some way this year?

Are you taking care of yourself physically? Do you need to adjust your diet, life margins, or sleep habits?

How are your relationships with others? Do you have any unresolved conflict that you can address and alleviate? Do not move forward this year carrying that baggage.

But you, dear friends, as you build yourselves up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit… Jude 20

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31

If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. – Romans 12:18

Further Reading

Don Whitney has published a list of 10 Questions to Ask at the Start of a New Year. I find them good reflection for anytime, especially at halftime. You can read them by clicking here.

And in a still painful reflection of the Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl 51 loss, you might find this article helpful as well.

Some might also find helpful this article I wrote about investing our lives. You can read it by clicking here.

And then, there is a previous year’s halftime article I wrote, How Are You Doing at the Half-Way Mark?

As always, I look forward to your conversation. Hit the comment button and give me your thoughts.