New Features Roll Out This Week


Normally in the Monday slot you see the video from my sermon on the previous day, but today I want to use the space to tell you about some changes coming on the blog and why those changes are afoot.

God has used Colossians 1:28-29 to cement in my heart what He wants to do through me.

Him [Jesus] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

In my heart I am and always have been a coach, and that heart for coaching translates into ministry as a discipler. As the heading to the blog indicates, I desire to help YOU grow in faith, knowledge, and life. I want to have some part in presenting you before the Lord at the last judgment as a mature follower of Jesus. THAT is why I blog – to provide you with tools, resources, inspiration, and information to help you in your walk with the Lord.

I established the survey last week because I want to know what would be most helpful to my readers so I can streamline my effort and output to be more effective in that goal. With that in mind, here is how the blog will look for the time being.

Mondays will still for the most part be the sermon video from the day before, at least for the time being. The Monday post provides an opportunity for members of the church I pastor as well as others who might be interested, to hear a sermon they may have missed. I understand not everyone has the time to listen, the bandwidth to download, nor the vested interest in my messages, but for now they will remain for the benefit of those it serves.

The overwhelming majority of respondents indicated the Tuesday and Thursday written blogs were their favorite feature. I am flattered by that, and honored. Those two days will remain the same.

I will replace the Wednesday Vlog for the next several weeks with a series on how to do a personal Bible study. Respondents indicated the Vlog as their least favorite feature and most indicated a desire for me to provide more resources on Bible study.

Many respondents also indicated that the Flashback Friday feature was one of their least favorite as well. That feature titled “Four Things Everybody Needs to Know About…” This will be an overview of some of the most important theological themes all believers need to understand. I will continue to share quotes and articles that are meaningful to me through my Twitter. If you are on Twitter, you can follow me @JimDuggan.

I do consider the blog to be a static production and more changes and tweaks will take place as the opportunity arises. As always, I welcome your feedback either through comments on the blog or through email contact. Thanks again for reading and I pray something I share will move you closer to Jesus.