When God Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary


I go to that store often.  Additionally, I wear that shirt regularly. Also, I speak to strangers politely as a rule.  But this one time when all three of those came together, God was at work.  At times God turns our ordinary extraordinary.

The First Ordinary

Mark and I became Facebook friends without knowing each other personally.  He was a bi-vocational pastor in Jacksonville, Florida.  He and his wife were members at the church I pastor years ago when God called him to preach.

Just a few months ago, Marks primary job relocated him back to the Middle Georgia area, and I invited him to church. One Sunday he and his wife came to renew old acquaintances and make new friends.  Ordinary people returning to an ordinary church.

I told Mark I would pray for him and help him find a new ministry any way I could.  I could not have imagined how God would use me to do that.

The Second Ordinary

I had been to visit a church member who was in an assisted living facility, something I ordinarily do.  As is ordinary when I plan to visit such facilities, I wore a shirt bearing our church logo.

One the way back to my office, I stopped at a grocery store where I ordinarily shop.  It was not an ordinary time for me to be there, but I was looking for something I could not find at other stores. As I walked through the parking lot, I exchanged greetings with a very friendly couple. We had not previously met, but I ordinarily say hello to and smile at people I see in public.

The Extraordinary Ordinary

I discovered later that the couple did not usually visit that grocery store.  They were there because their ordinary stores did not have the item they needed. I was in an ordinary place but at an unusual time. They were out at their ordinary time, but in an unusual location.

After they spoke to me, the gentleman noticed the church logo on my shirt and ask me where my church was located.  He wanted to ask my help for something but decided against it.  Since our churches were several miles apart in different communities, he wasn’t sure I could answer his question.

I encouraged him to try it anyway.  He informed me that the church they attended was looking for a bi-vocational pastor.  He wondered if I knew of any men who might be interested.

I told them I did in fact know someone who lived not far from them who may indeed have interest.  We exchanged contact information.  I contacted Mark.  He was interested in them and the found interest in him.  Last Sunday, Mark was unanimously called as their pastor.

The Ordinary but Extraordinary Lessons

  1. God is always at work around you.
  2. As we walk with God each day, He will present situations in which He wants to use us for His purposes.
  3. Do all the good you can, to everyone you can, in any way you can.
  4. You may never know what God has prepared for the course of your day. You may not know it until later.  In fact, you may never know.  Just be faithful.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. – Hebrews 13:2

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. – Galatians 6:9-10

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28