What Makes Pastors Tick

I love pastors.  Really, I do. I am humbled and blessed to be counted in their number. Several pastors have made an impact on my life and I am thankful for their godly influence. Each has had a part in me becoming who God has made me. I want to give you a glimpse inside the heart and … Read More

Nothing Is Never Happening

An interesting situation unfolds when one reads 2 Kings 6. The Syrian king is preparing to attack Israel. Secretly (so he thinks) he plots and plans with his trusted leaders, but no one can keep secrets from God. God lets Elisha in on the plans and Elisha tells the King of Israel. The Syrian king questions his advisors to find … Read More

Constant Practice for Spiritual Maturity

I hate doing the same things the same way all the time.  To me, “routine” is just a “rut” with added letters to disguise it.  The older I get, however, the more value I find in repetition and consistency. Sunday, as I watched the FSU Women’s softball team on TV, one of the commentators, Michele … Read More

Little Things Are Big Things

On September 11, 1995, a squirrel climbed on the Metro-North Railroad power lines near New York City. This set off an electrical surge, which weakened an overhead bracket. The loosened bracket allowed a wire to dangle toward the tracks, which tangled in a train. The train then tore down all the lines. As a result, 47,000 … Read More

Living Intentionally

Many years ago a man by the name of Charles Hummel wrote a pamphlet entitled “The Tyranny of the Urgent.”  The main idea of the writing was that all too often we “sacrifice the important on the altar of the urgent.”  Hummel reminds us that we are easily derailed by good things often at the … Read More

Somebody’s Knockin’

In 1981, I remember a hit song on the radio titled “Somebody’s Knockin’.”  The song would be the first hit for a soulful sounding, piano playing lady named Terri Gibbs.  For me, it was one of those songs I remember all of my life.  I was blessed this past Easter Sunday when Terri Gibbs worshipped … Read More

What to Do When Two or Three Are Gathered Together

I love corporate prayer.  Few things compare to interceding alongside other believers.  Even since my days of youth I have enjoyed prayer meeting.  Having said, however, there is a Bible passage that is often mistaken for a verse about prayer. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they … Read More

Challenge #2 – What Do We Do With Worship?

I believe in the value of music in a believer’s life as I wrote in an earlier blog.  I strongly believe in the value of music in the corporate worship experience. I do believe, though, that we have made the music the central focus of worship.  How often have you heard people refer to the … Read More

Setting the Table in My Heart for Easter

I guess Mondays were challenging days in Jesus’ time too. On Monday, Jesus found people using God’s House for their personal advantage. Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who … Read More

Eliminating Drama from Your Life

“…to seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:11 I am a parent, and there are two things every parent wants: peace and … yes, quiet.  I must admit, though, the sounds of family life comfort me.  … Read More