How to Get What You Want from God…EVERY TIME

What if I told you there was a guaranteed way you could make sure God gave you everything you asked for?  What if you could know that when you prayed, God would surely answer in the way that you prayed He would answer? You think I’m kidding?  I’m not.  There is a way.  Jesus said … Read More

My Clock Is Ticking

The sudden and tragic death of a church member has laid a question heavy on my heart: “Am I a good steward of my life?” My clock is ticking.  There are 86,400 seconds in every day. How do I use them? Do I spend them or invest them?  Do I major on the things that … Read More

Nothing Between

We let the most trivial things come between us and God.  “Not me,” you say, “I don’t let things come between me and God.” Really? Have you read your Bible today? If not, why not. That came between you and God. Have you prayed today? If not, why not. That came between you and God. … Read More

What Does Your “Big Picture” Look Like?

Successful organizations and teams master the art of keeping the big picture in view.  What about you, as an individual, do you have a big picture for your life? Without a sense of purpose, our lives are a series of loosely connected daily events and circumstances.  Without a big picture for our lives, we become … Read More

How to Make Better Decisions – Part 2

So what practical help is available for making better decisions?  Consider this passage from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. – Matthew 7:7 Jesus provided three clear steps we can follow that open up God’s wisdom for … Read More

Book Review of Dr. Charles Stanley’s Latest Book

I recently experienced the blessing of reading Dr. Charles Stanley’s latest book Emotions: Confront the Lies, Conquer with Truth.  For years I have studied, taught, and preached about the ongoing battle between what we feel and what we know.  Dr. Stanley draws on a lifetime of personal study and pastoral ministry to provide an invaluable … Read More

What to Do When Your QB Gets Hurt…and other life lessons from football

Aaron Rodgers – Green Bay Quarterback and Discount Double-Check Salesman – left last night’s game with an injury. Green Bay lost 27-20. Sunday, the Houston Texans led 21-3 at half-time when their head coach, Gary Kubiak, collapsed while leaving the field.  They lost the game 27-24. As I thought about the challenges these teams faced, … Read More

Does God Have My Attention?

We read one of the most exciting Bible stories in 1 Kings 18 where Elijah had a “showdown” with Baal’s 450 prophets on Mt. Carmel. Both sides placed a bull on an altar, with an ungifted wood pile underneath it.  They then would pray to their God (or god) to ignite the altar. The prophets … Read More

Objective Spirituality

The word “spiritual” gets thrown around a lot these days.  Some want to seem more spiritual than everyone else, and all of us are offended if someone should suggest that maybe we aren’t as spiritual as we think we are. Is being spiritual just a matter of saying the right words so that we seem … Read More

What Are You Passing on to Your Kids?

Recently, my daughter completed a science project for school that demonstrated how she inherited several physical attributes from me and her mom.  We scanned old pictures and took new pictures, pasting them to a poster board to show how she inherited several traits from each of us her parents.  It was both funny and informative … Read More