Mental Metabolism – Like Breakfast for Your Mind

mental metabolism

Nutritionists will tell you that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Eating the right kind of breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and prepares your body for the day ahead. The wrong kind of breakfast may satisfy in the short-term, but quickly looses its effect and leaves your body sluggish. Wednesday, we determined that … Read More

Prayer Meeting and the Great Omission

prayer meeting

Many churches call their Wednesday night gathering “prayer meeting.”   I supposed the name described the evening’s activities at one time in history. We church folks talk a big talk about believing in the power of prayer.  We make bold statements like, “Prayer changes things.”  We promise to pray for others we know who face … Read More

4 Ways to Shine the Light of Jesus

Shine the Light of Jesus

Sometimes, we are guilty of asking God to do things He has commanded us to do. That truth hit home in my mind a few weeks ago as we sang a song in church titled “Shine, Jesus, Shine.” “Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory, Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on … Read More

Investment – What Am I Doing?


The Stock Market report is important news to many people.  People entrust some their earthly to brokers who make an investment on their behalf.  As a result, they want to know how their investment is growing. In a greater way, God has entrusted a precious investment in us. In Monday’s blog, we learned that Life … Read More

Where Does a Sermon Go After It’s Preached

sermon recycle

Have you ever wondered what happens to a sermon after the preacher preaches it?  Most pastors I know, myself included, invest a lot of prayer, time, thought, and heart into preparing a message.  Most of us preach ourselves out physically, emotionally, and spiritually delivering the sermon. Each week, many pastors stand at the front door … Read More

God’s Purpose: A Makeover for You

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorable Bible verses in the minds of many Jesus-followers.  It is a verse of great hope and inspiration in difficult times.  Whether good, bad, or worse, God causes all of our circumstances to work together for good.  Paul indicates God’s works in the lives of those who love … Read More

A Time for Gathering Stones

Pet rocks used to be all the rage. Like every little boy, I loved playing with rocks and sometimes would come home with several in my pocket.  As for pets, however, I was more of a dog or cat lover myself and never really cared to adopt a rock. A rock collection sounds about as … Read More

Preparing Our Minds to Counter the Devil’s Lies

I remember an old joke declaring how you could tell if a particular individual was lying.  The punch line was, “If his lips are moving, he’s lying.”  The devil has earned such a reputation.  John 8:44 tells us four realities about the devil’s reputation: there is no truth in him, he is a liar, he … Read More

The Devil’s Age-Old Three-Area Attack

Either the devil is not very creative or he is extremely consistent. He has employed the same three-area attack since the beginning of time, and too often we give in to the temptation and sin. We can see his pattern in at least two Biblical examples. In observing those examples we can potentially better prepare … Read More

Procrastination: The Thief of Time

Edward Young famously wrote, “Procrastination is the thief of time.”  Every moment we waste in procrastination is a moment we can never retrieve.  It is time lost forever.  I believe that procrastination is the leading cause of most people never realizing their potential.  Most of the time, we put off doing things that would most benefit … Read More